Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering Miscellaneous
A. CNC 1. Zero inventory B. MRP 2. Rout sheet C. JIT 3. DNC D. FMS 4. Cutter path 5. Lumped demand
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A – 4, B – 5, C – 1, D–3.
CNC - Cutter path.
MRP - Lumped demand.
JIT - Zero inventory
FMS - DNC.Correct Option: C
A – 4, B – 5, C – 1, D–3.
CNC - Cutter path.
MRP - Lumped demand.
JIT - Zero inventory
- A DC servomotor is directly driving an NC table. The pitch of the lead screw of the table is 5 mm. The motor rotates at 100 rpm for an applied voltage of 10 V. If the voltage speed characteristic of the motor is linear, the applied voltage for a table of 3 m/min is equal to
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Motor speed = 10 rpm.
Distance = travelled on
Lead screw = 5 mm.
Line for one revolution = 1/100 min.
Speed of motion on lead serew= 5 = 500 mm/ min. 1 100
Considering line characteristic of 0.5m/min to get travel speed of 3m/min, we have to increase the voltage by= 3 = 6 times 0.5
i.e. 10 × 6 = 60 VCorrect Option: B
Motor speed = 10 rpm.
Distance = travelled on
Lead screw = 5 mm.
Line for one revolution = 1/100 min.
Speed of motion on lead serew= 5 = 500 mm/ min. 1 100
Considering line characteristic of 0.5m/min to get travel speed of 3m/min, we have to increase the voltage by= 3 = 6 times 0.5
i.e. 10 × 6 = 60 V
- Control of group of NC machine by a supervisory computer is known as... control.
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DNC (Distributed numerical control)
Correct Option: A
DNC (Distributed numerical control)
- Feed motion can be provided with stepper motors in CNC
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In PTP type motion like in drilling, stepper motors could be used.
Correct Option: B
In PTP type motion like in drilling, stepper motors could be used.
- A 2(1/2 ) axis control in a typical CNC machine provides
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programmable movement along 3 axes but allow simultaneous movement along 2 axes
Correct Option: B
programmable movement along 3 axes but allow simultaneous movement along 2 axes