Materials Science and Manufacturing Engineering Miscellaneous
- The combination of slip gauges to obtain a dimension of 10.35 mm will be
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Normally, slip gauge box set does not have slip of less than 1 mm thickness. Always use minimum number of slipgauges in combination & less than 1mm thickness is not in set.
Correct Option: B
Normally, slip gauge box set does not have slip of less than 1 mm thickness. Always use minimum number of slipgauges in combination & less than 1mm thickness is not in set.
- Outside diameter of bush is turned using a mandrel. The mandrel diameter is maintained as 0.000 0.050 30.000−0.0500.000 mm and the bore diameter is 30.000−0.0000.050 mm. The maximum value in mm of the eccentricity on the bush due to the locating mandrel
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Maximum size of Bore = 30.050mm
Minimum size of Mandrel = 29.95mm
Diametral Gap = 0.1mmEccentricity = 0.1 = 0.05 mm 2 Correct Option: A
Maximum size of Bore = 30.050mm
Minimum size of Mandrel = 29.95mm
Diametral Gap = 0.1mmEccentricity = 0.1 = 0.05 mm 2
- The most common limit gauge used for inspecting the hole diameter is
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Plug gauge is a cylindrical type of gauge, used to check the accuracy of holes.
Correct Option: A
Plug gauge is a cylindrical type of gauge, used to check the accuracy of holes.
- A circular shaft having diameter 65.00−0.015+0.01 mm is manufactur ed by turning pr ocess. A 50 m t hi ck coat i ng of Ti N i s deposited on the shaft Allowed variation in TiN film thickness is ±5 m. The minimum hole diameter (in mm) to just provide clearance fit is
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Shaft = 65−0.05+0.01 mm
Coating thickness ‘t’ = (50 ± 5)μm
To provide clearance fit, given condition should be satisfied,
(DH)min ≥ ((D)shaft)max ≥(Ds )max + 2tmax= 65.01 + 2 × 55 = 65.12mm 1000 Correct Option: C
Shaft = 65−0.05+0.01 mm
Coating thickness ‘t’ = (50 ± 5)μm
To provide clearance fit, given condition should be satisfied,
(DH)min ≥ ((D)shaft)max ≥(Ds )max + 2tmax= 65.01 + 2 × 55 = 65.12mm 1000
- The height (in mm) for a 125 mm sine bar to 'measure a taper of 27'32' on a flat work piece is _________(correct to three decimal places).
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θ = 27°32' = 27 + 32 ° = 27.533° 60 In sine bar, sin θ = H L sin 27.533° = H 125
H = 57.782427
H ≈ 57.782 mmCorrect Option: A
θ = 27°32' = 27 + 32 ° = 27.533° 60 In sine bar, sin θ = H L sin 27.533° = H 125
H = 57.782427
H ≈ 57.782 mm