Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: Study the following multiple bar graph carefully and answer the questions

  1. What is the ratio of numbers of working women to the non-working women in the year 2009?

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    According to given bar graph , we have
    The number of non-working women in the year 2009 = 40 millions
    The number of working women in the year 2009 = 70 millions
    Required ratio = The number of working women in the year 2009 : The number of non-working women in the year 2009

    Correct Option: A

    According to given bar graph , we have
    The number of non-working women in the year 2009 = 40 millions
    The number of working women in the year 2009 = 70 millions
    Required ratio = The number of working women in the year 2009 : The number of non-working women in the year 2009
    ∴ Required ratio = 70 : 40 = 7 : 4

  1. The number of non-working women in the year 2010 was approximately (correct up to an integer) what percent of total number of working as well as non-working women in that year?

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    From the given bar diagram , we see
    The number of non-working women in the year 2010 = 35 millions
    The number of working women in the year 2010 = 85 millions
    Total number of working and non-working women in the year 2010 =85 + 35 = 120 millions

    Required percentage =
    The number of non-working women in the year 2010
    × 100
    Total number of working and non-working women in the year 2010

    Correct Option: C

    From the given bar diagram , we see
    The number of non-working women in the year 2010 = 35 millions
    The number of working women in the year 2010 = 85 millions
    Total number of working and non-working women in the year 2010 =85 + 35 = 120 millions

    Required percentage =
    The number of non-working women in the year 2010
    × 100
    Total number of working and non-working women in the year 2010

    Required percentage =
    × 100 ≈29%

Direction: Shown below is the multiple bar diagram depict- ing the changes in the roll strength of a college in four faculties from 2001- 02 to 2003-04.

  1. Percentage of increase in Science students in 2003-04 over 2001- 2002 is

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    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002 = 400
    Number of students in Science in 2003 - 2004 = 600
    Increase = 600- 400 = 200

    Required percentage increase =
    × 100
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002

    Correct Option: B

    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002 = 400
    Number of students in Science in 2003 - 2004 = 600
    Increase = 600- 400 = 200

    Required percentage increase =
    × 100
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002

    Required percentage increase =
    × 100 = 50%

  1. The percentage of students in Law faculty in 2003-04 is

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    As per the given bar graph , we have
    Number of students in Law in 2003 - 04 = 250
    Total students in 2003-04 = 1600

    ∴ Required percentage =
    Number of students in Law in 2003 - 04
    × 100
    Total students in 2003-04

    Correct Option: C

    As per the given bar graph , we have
    Number of students in Law in 2003 - 04 = 250
    Total students in 2003-04 = 1600

    ∴ Required percentage =
    Number of students in Law in 2003 - 04
    × 100
    Total students in 2003-04

    ∴ Required percentage =
    × 100 = 15.6%

  1. The percentage of students in Science faculty in 2001- 2002 is

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    From the given bar diagram , we see
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002 = 400
    Total students in 2001 – 2002 = 1350

    ∴ Required percentage =
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002
    × 100
    Total students in 2001 – 2002

    Correct Option: D

    From the given bar diagram , we see
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002 = 400
    Total students in 2001 – 2002 = 1350

    ∴ Required percentage =
    Number of students in Science in 2001 - 2002
    × 100
    Total students in 2001 – 2002

    ∴ Required percentage =
    × 100 = 29.6%