Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: The bar chart given below shows the percentage distribution of the production of various models of a mobile manufacturing company in 2007 and 2008. The total production in 2007 was 35 lakh mobile phones and in 2008 the production was 44 lakh. Study the chart and answer the following questions.

  1. If the percentage production of A-type mobiles in 2008 was same as that in 2007, then the number of A-type mobiles produced in 2008 would have been

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    According to given bar graph , we have
    Given that , The total production in 2008 = 44 lakh mobile phones
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2007 = 30%

    Required production =
    44 × 30

    Correct Option: B

    According to given bar graph , we have
    Given that , The total production in 2008 = 44 lakh mobile phones
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2007 = 30%

    Required production =
    44 × 30

    Required production = 1320000

  1. What was the difference in the number of B type mobiles produced in 2007 and 2008?

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    From the given bar diagram , we see
    The total production in 2007 = 35 lakh mobile phones
    and The total production in 2008 = 44 lakh mobile phones
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2008 = 20%
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Required difference = 20% of 44 - 15% of 35

    Required difference =
    44 × 20
    35 × 15

    Correct Option: A

    From the given bar diagram , we see
    The total production in 2007 = 35 lakh mobile phones
    and The total production in 2008 = 44 lakh mobile phones
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2008 = 20%
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Required difference = 20% of 44 - 15% of 35

    Required difference =
    44 × 20
    35 × 15

    Required difference =
    880 - 525

    Required difference = 355000

  1. For which models was the percentage variation in production from 2007 to 2008 the maximum?

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    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2007 = 30%
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2008 = 40%
    Change in manufacture = 40 - 30
    Percentage variation :

    Model A ⇒
    40 - 30
    × 100 = 33

    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2008 = 20%
    Change in manufacture = 20 - 15

    Correct Option: D

    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2007 = 30%
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2008 = 40%
    Change in manufacture = 40 - 30
    Percentage variation :

    Model A ⇒
    40 - 30
    × 100 = 33

    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2008 = 20%
    Change in manufacture = 20 - 15
    Model B ⇒
    20 - 15
    × 100 = 33

    Percent of mobiles of models C manufactured in 2007 = 20%
    Percent of mobiles of models C manufactured in 2008 = 15%
    Change in manufacture = 15 - 20
    Model C ⇒
    15 - 20
    × 100 = -25%

  1. Total number of mobiles of models A, B and E manufactured in 2007 was

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    From the given bar diagram ,
    Given , The total production in 2007 = 35 lakh mobile phones
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2007 = 30%
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Percent of mobiles of models E manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Total number of mobiles of models A, B and E in 2007 = 30% of 35 + 15% of 35 + 15% of 35

    Required answer =
    35 × 30
    35 × 15
    35 × 15


    Correct Option: C

    From the given bar diagram ,
    Given , The total production in 2007 = 35 lakh mobile phones
    Percent of mobiles of models A manufactured in 2007 = 30%
    Percent of mobiles of models B manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Percent of mobiles of models E manufactured in 2007 = 15%
    Total number of mobiles of models A, B and E in 2007 = 30% of 35 + 15% of 35 + 15% of 35

    Required answer =
    35 × 30
    35 × 15
    35 × 15


    Required answer =
    (30 + 15 + 15)

    Required answer =
    35 × 60
    = 21 lakhs

Direction: The bar graph given here shows the number of job- seekers of a state in various years at different stages of education. Study the graph carefully and answer the questions based on it.

  1. The number of job-seekers, having their qualification as Senior Secondary, in the year 1974 was :

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    From the given bar diagram , we see
    Total number of Graduate and senior secondary job-seekers in year 1974 = 1050
    Number of Graduate job-seekers in year 1974 = 525
    Required number of job-seekers = Total number of Graduate and senior secondary job-seekers in year 1974 - Number of Graduate job-seekers in year 1974

    Correct Option: A

    From the given bar diagram , we see
    Total number of Graduate and senior secondary job-seekers in year 1974 = 1050
    Number of Graduate job-seekers in year 1974 = 525
    Required number of job-seekers = Total number of Graduate and senior secondary job-seekers in year 1974 - Number of Graduate job-seekers in year 1974
    Required number of job-seekers = 1050 – 525 = 525