Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: Study the following graph and answer the questions given below it.

  1. What was the percentage increase in production of salt in 2008 compared to that of 2001?

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    On the basis of given graph in question , we have
    The production of salt in year 2001 = 40 ( in 1000 tonnes )
    The production of salt in year 2008 = 90 ( in 1000 tonnes )
    Increase = 90 - 40 = 50 ( in 1000 tonnes )

    Percentage increase =
    × 100
    The production of salt in year 2001

    Percentage increase =
    × 100 = 125%

    Correct Option: B

    On the basis of given graph in question , we have
    The production of salt in year 2001 = 40 ( in 1000 tonnes )
    The production of salt in year 2008 = 90 ( in 1000 tonnes )
    Increase = 90 - 40 = 50 ( in 1000 tonnes )

    Percentage increase =
    × 100
    The production of salt in year 2001

    Percentage increase =
    × 100 = 125%

  1. The average production of 2004 and 2005 was exactly equal to the average production of which of the following pair of years?

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    As per the given bar graph in question ,
    The production of salt in year 2004 = 25000 tonnes
    The production of salt in year 2005 = 55000 tonnes
    Total production of salt = 25 + 55 = 80000 tonnes

    Correct Option: C

    As per the given bar graph in question ,
    The production of salt in year 2004 = 25000 tonnes
    The production of salt in year 2005 = 55000 tonnes
    Total production of salt = 25 + 55 = 80000 tonnes
    Required average production = 80000 ÷ 2 = 40000 tonnes
    Hence, required answer is 2002 and 2006 .

  1. What was the percentage decline in the production of salt from 2003 to 2004?

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    From the given bar graph in question ,
    The production of salt in year 2003 = 70
    The production of salt in year 2004 = 25
    Decrease = 70 - 25 = 45

    Percentage decrease =
    × 100
    The production of salt in year 2003

    Percentage decrease =
    × 100

    Correct Option: A

    From the given bar graph in question ,
    The production of salt in year 2003 = 70
    The production of salt in year 2004 = 25
    Decrease = 70 - 25 = 45

    Percentage decrease =
    × 100
    The production of salt in year 2003

    Percentage decrease =
    × 100

    Percentage decrease =
    = 64.2%

Direction: Given here is a bar graph showing the number of cycles produced in a factory during five consecutive weeks. Observe the graph and answer the questions based on this graph.

  1. Total number of cycles produced in five consecutive weeks is

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    As per the given bar graph in question ,
    Number of cycles produced in 1st week = 800
    Number of cycles produced in 2nd week = 1300
    Number of cycles produced in 3rd week = 1060
    Number of cycles produced in 4th week = 920
    Number of cycles produced in 5th week = 1440
    Required number of cycles = Total number of cycles produced in five consecutive weeks

    Correct Option: A

    As per the given bar graph in question ,
    Number of cycles produced in 1st week = 800
    Number of cycles produced in 2nd week = 1300
    Number of cycles produced in 3rd week = 1060
    Number of cycles produced in 4th week = 920
    Number of cycles produced in 5th week = 1440
    Required number of cycles = Total number of cycles produced in five consecutive weeks
    ∴ Required number of cycles = 800 + 1300 + 1060 + 920 + 1440 = 5520

  1. The number of cycles produced in the 5th week is

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    On the basis of given bar graph in question ,
    The number of cycles produced in the 5th week = 1440

    Correct Option: C

    On the basis of given bar graph in question ,
    The number of cycles produced in the 5th week = 1440
    Hence , Required number of cycles is 1440 .