Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: The following chart represents Demand and Production for 5 companies ABCDE. On the basis of the graph answer the questions.

  1. If the production of company D is h times of the production of company A. Then h equals :

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    According to given bar graph , we have
    Production of company A = 1500
    Production of company D = 2700

    h =
    Production of company D
    Production of company A

    Correct Option: D

    According to given bar graph , we have
    Production of company A = 1500
    Production of company D = 2700

    h =
    Production of company D
    Production of company A

    h =
    = 1.8

  1. If x% of demand for company C equals demand for company B, then x equals

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    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Demand for company C = 2500
    Demand for company B = 600
    According to the question,
    x% of 2500 = 600

    2500 × x
    = 600

    ⇒ 25x = 600

    Correct Option: A

    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Demand for company C = 2500
    Demand for company B = 600
    According to the question,
    x% of 2500 = 600

    2500 × x
    = 600

    ⇒ 25x = 600
    ⇒ x =
    = 24

  1. If company A desires to meet the demand by purchasing surplus production of company, then the most suitable company is :

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    As per the given bar graph , we have
    Demand of company A = 3000
    Production of company A = 1500
    Difference between demand and production of company A = 3000 – 1500 = 1500
    Demand of company D = 2700
    Production of company D = 1200

    Correct Option: B

    As per the given bar graph , we have
    Demand of company A = 3000
    Production of company A = 1500
    Difference between demand and production of company A = 3000 – 1500 = 1500
    Demand of company D = 2700
    Production of company D = 1200
    Difference between production and demand of company D = 2700 – 1200 = 1500
    Hence , the most suitable company is D.

Direction: Study the bar chart given below and answer the following questions :

  1. For company R, if the expenditure had increased by 20% in the year 2001 from the year 2000 and the company had earned profit of 10% in 2000, the company’s income in 2000 was (in crore Rs.) :

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    According to given bar graph , we have
    Expenditure of company R in 2001 = Rs. 45 crores
    If expenditure had increased by 20% , then

    Expenditure of company R in 2000 =
    45 × 100
    = Rs. 37.5 crores

    Let the income of company in 2000 be Rs. y crores.
    ∴ 10 =
    y - 37.5
    × 100

    Correct Option: E

    According to given bar graph , we have
    Expenditure of company R in 2001 = Rs. 45 crores
    If expenditure had increased by 20% , then

    Expenditure of company R in 2000 =
    45 × 100
    = Rs. 37.5 crores

    Let the income of company in 2000 be Rs. y crores.
    ∴ 10 =
    y - 37.5
    × 100

    ⇒ y – 37.5 =
    37.5 × 10
    = 3.75

    ⇒ y = 37.5 + 3.75 = Rs. 41.25 crores

  1. The companies M and N together had a percentage of profit/loss of :

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    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Total income of companies M and N = Rs. (35 + 50) crores = Rs. 85 crores
    Total expenditure of companies M and N = Rs. (45 + 40) crores = Rs. 85 crores

    Correct Option: A

    On the basis of given graph in question ,
    Total income of companies M and N = Rs. (35 + 50) crores = Rs. 85 crores
    Total expenditure of companies M and N = Rs. (45 + 40) crores = Rs. 85 crores
    Profit/Loss = Total income - Total expenditure = 85 - 85 = Rs. 0
    Therefore , there is no loss and no profit .