Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: The table given here shows production of five types of cars by a company in the year 1989 to 1994. Study the table and answer questions.

  1. The percent increased in total production of all types of cars in 1992 to that in 1991 was :

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    As per the given above table , we can see
    Total production of all types of cars in 1992 = 90
    Total production of all types of cars in 1991 = 75
    Increase in production = 90 - 75 = 15

    Required answer =
    Increase in production
    × 100 =%
    Total production of all types of cars in 1991

    Correct Option: B

    As per the given above table , we can see
    Total production of all types of cars in 1992 = 90
    Total production of all types of cars in 1991 = 75
    Increase in production = 90 - 75 = 15

    Required answer =
    Increase in production
    × 100 =%
    Total production of all types of cars in 1991

    Required answer =
    × 100 = 20%

  1. The production of which type of car was 25% of the total production of all types of cars during 1993?

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    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Total production of all types of cars during 1993 = 80
    According to question,

    25% of 80 =
    25 × 80

    Correct Option: A

    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Total production of all types of cars during 1993 = 80
    According to question,

    25% of 80 =
    25 × 80
    = 20 i.e. Equal to S type of car in 1993.

  1. During the period 1989-94, in which type of cars was a continuous increase in production?

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    According to given table, we can see
    The production of car of S type in 1989 = 4
    The production of car of S type in 1990 = 6
    The production of car of S type in 1991 = 10
    The production of car of S type in 1992 = 16
    The production of car of S type in 1993 = 20
    The production of car of S type in 1994 = 31

    Correct Option: D

    According to given table, we can see
    The production of car of S type in 1989 = 4
    The production of car of S type in 1990 = 6
    The production of car of S type in 1991 = 10
    The production of car of S type in 1992 = 16
    The production of car of S type in 1993 = 20
    The production of car of S type in 1994 = 31
    From visual inspection of table it is clear that the continuous increase in production is obtained from S type of car.

  1. In which year the total production of cars of types P and Q together was equal to the total production of cars of types R and S together?

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    As per the given question , we draw a table with all details

    Correct Option: D

    As per the given question , we draw a table with all details

    Therefore, the required answer is year 1993, which is none of the above. So , option D is correct answer .

  1. In which year the production of cars of all types taken together was approximately equal to the average of the total production during the period?

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    According to given table, we have
    Total production of cars of all types taken together in given years = 476
    Number of given years = 6

    Average =
    Total production of cars of all types taken together in given years
    Number of given years

    Correct Option: C

    According to given table, we have
    Total production of cars of all types taken together in given years = 476
    Number of given years = 6

    Average =
    Total production of cars of all types taken together in given years
    Number of given years

    Average =
    = 79.33 ≈ 80

    Which is equal to total production of all types of cars in 1993.