Biology miscellaneous

  1. Pituitary gland is located in—

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    In vertebrate anatomy the pituitary gland is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing 0.5 grams (0.018 oz) in humans. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain, and rests in a small, bony cavity covered by a dural fold. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis.

    Correct Option: A

    In vertebrate anatomy the pituitary gland is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing 0.5 grams (0.018 oz) in humans. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain, and rests in a small, bony cavity covered by a dural fold. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis.

  1. What is the limit of MG/DL of blood sugar in the normal person at the time of fast ?

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    The mean normal blood glucose level in humans is about 4 mM (4 mmol/L or 72 mg/dL, i.e. milligrams/deciliter); however, this level fluctuates throughout the day. Glucose levels are usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of the day (termed “the fasting level”), and rise after meals for an hour or two by a few millimolar. Normal Human Glucose Blood Test results should be 70 - 100 (mg/ dL) before meals, and less than 180 mg/dL after meals

    Correct Option: C

    The mean normal blood glucose level in humans is about 4 mM (4 mmol/L or 72 mg/dL, i.e. milligrams/deciliter); however, this level fluctuates throughout the day. Glucose levels are usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of the day (termed “the fasting level”), and rise after meals for an hour or two by a few millimolar. Normal Human Glucose Blood Test results should be 70 - 100 (mg/ dL) before meals, and less than 180 mg/dL after meals

  1. The cross-section of a stem of tree has fifty rings, what is the age of the tree ?

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    Dendrochronology or tree-ring dating is the scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree rings, also known as growth rings. Dendrochronology can date the time at which tree rings were formed, in many types of wood, to the exact calendar year. Growth rings are the result of new growth in the vascular cambium, a layer of cells near the bark that is classified as a lateral meristem. This growth in diameter is known as secondary growth. Visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree.

    Correct Option: D

    Dendrochronology or tree-ring dating is the scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree rings, also known as growth rings. Dendrochronology can date the time at which tree rings were formed, in many types of wood, to the exact calendar year. Growth rings are the result of new growth in the vascular cambium, a layer of cells near the bark that is classified as a lateral meristem. This growth in diameter is known as secondary growth. Visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree.

  1. Onion is a modified form of

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    An onion has a modified form of stem called a bulb, or more specifically a tunic-ate bulb. In this type of modified stems, the stem is enclosed by a covering of leaves and it is underground. The bulb contains a few outside layers that are dry and membranous that encircles the bulb, which is where tunic-ate comes from. Nutrients for the plant are stored within the bulb.

    Correct Option: B

    An onion has a modified form of stem called a bulb, or more specifically a tunic-ate bulb. In this type of modified stems, the stem is enclosed by a covering of leaves and it is underground. The bulb contains a few outside layers that are dry and membranous that encircles the bulb, which is where tunic-ate comes from. Nutrients for the plant are stored within the bulb.

  1. The age of trees is determined by its :

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    Growth rings can determine the age of the trees. Growth rings, also referred to as tree rings or annual rings, can be seen in a horizontal cross section cut through the trunk of a tree. Growth rings are the result of new growth in the vascular cambium, a layer of cells near the bark that is classified as a lateral meristem. These visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree.

    Correct Option: C

    Growth rings can determine the age of the trees. Growth rings, also referred to as tree rings or annual rings, can be seen in a horizontal cross section cut through the trunk of a tree. Growth rings are the result of new growth in the vascular cambium, a layer of cells near the bark that is classified as a lateral meristem. These visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree.