Biology miscellaneous
- Amoebic dysentery is caused by
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Amoebic dysentery (or amebic dysentery) is a type of dysentery caused primarily by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica. Amoebic dysentery is transmitted through contaminated food and water. Amoebae spread by forming infective cysts which can be found in stools, and spread if whoever touches them does not sanitize their hands. There are also free amoebae, or trophozoites, that do not form cysts, however trophozoites do not survive long outside of the human gastrointestinal tract, and are a purely diagnostic observation. Trophozoites are the agent responsible for symptoms.
Correct Option: A
Amoebic dysentery (or amebic dysentery) is a type of dysentery caused primarily by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica. Amoebic dysentery is transmitted through contaminated food and water. Amoebae spread by forming infective cysts which can be found in stools, and spread if whoever touches them does not sanitize their hands. There are also free amoebae, or trophozoites, that do not form cysts, however trophozoites do not survive long outside of the human gastrointestinal tract, and are a purely diagnostic observation. Trophozoites are the agent responsible for symptoms.
- AIDS is a/an
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AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as the disease progresses. HIV is found in the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk). The virus is passed from one person to another through blood to-blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy, delivering the baby during childbirth, and through breast feeding.
Correct Option: B
AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as the disease progresses. HIV is found in the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk). The virus is passed from one person to another through blood to-blood and sexual contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during pregnancy, delivering the baby during childbirth, and through breast feeding.
- For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and
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Physical activity is any form of movement that works our muscles and uses more energy than we use when resting. Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga and gardening are examples of physical activity. Being physically active, along with following a healthy diet and not smoking, is one of the most important things one can do to keep heart and lungs healthy. Physical activity strengthens our heart and reduces coronary heart disease risk factors. It can also lower blood pressure; improve and manage levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood; improve our body’s ability to manage blood sugar and insulin levels, which lowers our risk for type 2 diabetes; help us maintain a healthy weight; and reduce levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in our body, a sign of inflammation. High levels of CRP may raise the risk for heart disease.
Correct Option: C
Physical activity is any form of movement that works our muscles and uses more energy than we use when resting. Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga and gardening are examples of physical activity. Being physically active, along with following a healthy diet and not smoking, is one of the most important things one can do to keep heart and lungs healthy. Physical activity strengthens our heart and reduces coronary heart disease risk factors. It can also lower blood pressure; improve and manage levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood; improve our body’s ability to manage blood sugar and insulin levels, which lowers our risk for type 2 diabetes; help us maintain a healthy weight; and reduce levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in our body, a sign of inflammation. High levels of CRP may raise the risk for heart disease.
- Anaemia occurs due to the deficiency of
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Anemia is a decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. However, it can include decreased oxygen-binding ability of each hemoglobin molecule due to deformity or lack in numerical development as in some other types of hemoglobin deficiency. Because hemoglobin (found inside RBCs) normally carries oxygen from the lungs to the capillaries, anemia leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organs. Megaloblastic anemia, the most common cause of macrocytic anemia, is due to a deficiency of either vitamin B12, folic acid, or both. Deficiency in folate and/or vitamin B12 can be due either to inadequate intake or insufficient absorption.
Correct Option: C
Anemia is a decrease in number of red blood cells (RBCs) or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. However, it can include decreased oxygen-binding ability of each hemoglobin molecule due to deformity or lack in numerical development as in some other types of hemoglobin deficiency. Because hemoglobin (found inside RBCs) normally carries oxygen from the lungs to the capillaries, anemia leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organs. Megaloblastic anemia, the most common cause of macrocytic anemia, is due to a deficiency of either vitamin B12, folic acid, or both. Deficiency in folate and/or vitamin B12 can be due either to inadequate intake or insufficient absorption.
- Vegetables are easily perishable because of their high content of
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The perishability of food items depends a lot on their water content. High moisture decides their perishability or longer shelf life. Perishable food includes fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, foods purchased from chill cabinets, freshly cooked food stored to be used later. Vegetables normally contain more than 80-90 per cent water. Top vegetables by water content: Cucumber 96 %, Zucchini 95%, Spinach: 95 per cent, Tomato: 94 per cent, etc. Even potato contains about 79 per cent water in it.
Correct Option: B
The perishability of food items depends a lot on their water content. High moisture decides their perishability or longer shelf life. Perishable food includes fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, foods purchased from chill cabinets, freshly cooked food stored to be used later. Vegetables normally contain more than 80-90 per cent water. Top vegetables by water content: Cucumber 96 %, Zucchini 95%, Spinach: 95 per cent, Tomato: 94 per cent, etc. Even potato contains about 79 per cent water in it.