Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous
- For a quarter wave transformer characteristic impedance is related with input and load impedance—
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Correct Option: B
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- Choose the correct statements:
For a wave propagating in an air filled rectangular waveguide—
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Correct Option: C
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- The depth of velocity modulation in a two cavity Klystron amplifier can be increased by increasing the—
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Depth of velocity modulation could be increased by βiV1 where βi and V1 are coupling coefficient and amplitude of applied signal voltage 2V0 Correct Option: E
Depth of velocity modulation could be increased by βiV1 where βi and V1 are coupling coefficient and amplitude of applied signal voltage 2V0
- Radiation resistance of a current element of length dl is—
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Correct Option: B
- Rectangular waveguide is designed to propagate the dominant mode TE10 at a frequency of 5 MHz. The cutoff frequency is 0.8 of signal frequency the raito of the waveguide height to width is 2 the dimension of the waveguide are—
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We find the relation of waveguide that the cut-off frequency is given by relation
fc = 1 √ m∏ 2 + n∏ 2 2∏√με a a for TE10 mode m = 1 and n = 0 and b = 1 a fc × 2∏ = ∏ ⇒ a = 3.75 cm c a
andb = a = 1.875 cm 2 Correct Option: A
We find the relation of waveguide that the cut-off frequency is given by relation
fc = 1 √ m∏ 2 + n∏ 2 2∏√με a a for TE10 mode m = 1 and n = 0 and b = 1 a fc × 2∏ = ∏ ⇒ a = 3.75 cm c a
andb = a = 1.875 cm 2