Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous

Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous

Electromagnetic Theory

  1. The equation ∇. j = 0 is known as—

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    Correct Option: B


  1. A point charge of +1 nC is placed in a space with a permittivity of 8.85 × 10–12 F/m as shown in figure. The potential difference VPQ between two points P and Q at distance of 40 mm and 20 mm respectively from the point charge is—

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    Correct Option: C


  1. Given the potential function in free space to be V (x) = (50x2 + 50y2 + 50z2) volts, the magnitude (in volts/metre) and the direction of the electric field at a point (1, – 1, 1), where the dimensions are in metres, are—

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    E = −
    i +
    j +
    k volts/m

    = −[100xi^ + 100yj^ + 100zk^]volts/m
    At (1, – 1, 1) E = – 100 [^i – ^j + ^k] volts/m
    Its direction is –^i + ^j – ^k/√3
    and magnitude = 100√3

    Correct Option: C

    E = −
    i +
    j +
    k volts/m

    = −[100xi^ + 100yj^ + 100zk^]volts/m
    At (1, – 1, 1) E = – 100 [^i – ^j + ^k] volts/m
    Its direction is –^i + ^j – ^k/√3
    and magnitude = 100√3

  1. The maximum usable frequency of an ionospheric layer at 60º incidence and with 8 MHz critical frequency is—

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    MUF = fc sec θ = 8 sec 60º = 16 MHz

    Correct Option: B

    MUF = fc sec θ = 8 sec 60º = 16 MHz

  1. An antenna in free space receives 2 µW of power when the incident electric field is 20 V/m rms. The effective aperture of the antenna is—

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    Pr =

    Given η0 = 120 πΩ, Erms = 20 V/m,
    Pr = 20 × 10–6 watt
    Ae =
    2 × 10−6 × 2 × 120∏
    20 × 20 × 10−6

    = 3.77 m2

    Correct Option: D

    Pr =

    Given η0 = 120 πΩ, Erms = 20 V/m,
    Pr = 20 × 10–6 watt
    Ae =
    2 × 10−6 × 2 × 120∏
    20 × 20 × 10−6

    = 3.77 m2