Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous

Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous

Electromagnetic Theory

  1. The radiation resistance of a circular loop of a turn is 0.01 Ω. The radiation resistance of five turns of such a loop will be—

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    Radiation resistance of loops of N turns is given by

    Rr= 31200N

    A → Area of the loop

    Correct Option: C

    Radiation resistance of loops of N turns is given by

    Rr= 31200N

    A → Area of the loop

  1. A loop is rotating about the y-axis in a magnetic field

    E = B0 cos (ωt + φ)
    .The voltage in the loop is—

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    Since magnetic field is sinusoidal so the voltage in the loop will be by transformer action and rotation both.

    Correct Option: D

    Since magnetic field is sinusoidal so the voltage in the loop will be by transformer action and rotation both.

  1. For field of an antenna varies with distance r as—

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    It is clear from the expression provided in synopsis.

    Correct Option: A

    It is clear from the expression provided in synopsis.

  1. When N is the maximum electron density in per cubic metre. The critical frequency (fc) is given by—

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    fc = √81 Nmax ⇒ 9√ Nmax

    Correct Option: C

    fc = √81 Nmax ⇒ 9√ Nmax

  1. A line of length nλ/4 (n is integer) in short circuited at the far end. The input impedance is—

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    For the line of shorted and multiple of λ/4. Input impedance is given by
    Z = j Zd tan βd
    so for  

    d =

    β =
    we get '∞' impedance.

    Correct Option: B

    For the line of shorted and multiple of λ/4. Input impedance is given by
    Z = j Zd tan βd
    so for  

    d =

    β =
    we get '∞' impedance.