Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous
- The beamwidth between first null of uniform linear array of N equally spaced (element spacing = a) equally excited antennas is determined by—
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Beamwidth between first nulls is given by relation as follows
φ = sin-1 λ nd
where n = no. of sources, separated by d distance apart.Correct Option: D
Beamwidth between first nulls is given by relation as follows
φ = sin-1 λ nd
where n = no. of sources, separated by d distance apart.
- In a multicavity magnetron strapping is employed primarily—
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To prevent mode jumping and increase separation between the resonant frequencies in the π mode and in the adjacent modes.
Correct Option: E
To prevent mode jumping and increase separation between the resonant frequencies in the π mode and in the adjacent modes.
- A material is described by following electrical parameters as a frequency of 10 GHz, σ = 106 mho/m µ = µ0 and ε/ε0 = 10. The material at this frequencies is considered to be—
σ0 = 1 ×10−9 F/m 36 π
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Material may be found either conductor or insulator by the method of loss tangent
σ = 106 ωε 10 × 109 × 10 × 8.85 × 10-12
= 1.12 × 106
so σ >> ωεCorrect Option: A
Material may be found either conductor or insulator by the method of loss tangent
σ = 106 ωε 10 × 109 × 10 × 8.85 × 10-12
= 1.12 × 106
so σ >> ωε
- A plane wave is incident normally on a perfect conductor as shown below. Here Er x = H'T and → P are electric fields magnetic field and Poynting vector respectively for the incident wave. The reflected wave should be—
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The reflected wave will travel in negative z direction. Hence P = – P and to accommodate the reversal of power flow magnetics field directions is reversed and we get
Exr = Exi; Hyr = – Hyi.
Hence alternatives (B), (C) and (D) are correct choices.Correct Option: E
The reflected wave will travel in negative z direction. Hence P = – P and to accommodate the reversal of power flow magnetics field directions is reversed and we get
Exr = Exi; Hyr = – Hyi.
Hence alternatives (B), (C) and (D) are correct choices.
- Medium wave radio signals may be received at for distance at night because—
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Propagation in medium wave frequency 525 to 1625 kHz is absorbed by D layer during day time. This vanishes at night and E layer helps in reflection at night especially at the higher range of frequency.
Correct Option: C
Propagation in medium wave frequency 525 to 1625 kHz is absorbed by D layer during day time. This vanishes at night and E layer helps in reflection at night especially at the higher range of frequency.