Electromagnetic theory miscellaneous
- 160. Match the following:
(A) ∇ × H = J
(B) ƒOs E·dl = –d/dt ƒs B·ds
(C) ∇ · J = –δρ/∇t
1. Continuity equation
2. Faraday's law
3. Ampere's law
4. Gauss's law
5. Biot-Savart law
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Correct Option: D
- For a dipole antenna—
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In a dipole antenna radiation is almost nil along its axis and maximum in a direction perpendicular to its axis.
Correct Option: A
In a dipole antenna radiation is almost nil along its axis and maximum in a direction perpendicular to its axis.
- A plane electromagnetic wave travelling along +z-direction, has its electric field given by Ex = 2 cos (t) and Ey = 2 cos (t + 90) the wave is—
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Ex = 2 cos ωt,
Ey = 2 cos (ωt + 90º)
= – 2 sin ωt
Ey/ Ex = – tan ωt
This is a left circularly polarized wave.Correct Option: C
Ex = 2 cos ωt,
Ey = 2 cos (ωt + 90º)
= – 2 sin ωt
Ey/ Ex = – tan ωt
This is a left circularly polarized wave.
- Consider a transmission line of characteristics impedance 50 ohm. Let it be terminated at one end by + j 50 ohm. The VSWR produced by it in the transmission line will be—
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Reflection coefficient is given by
ρ = ZL − Z0 = j 50 − 50 ZL + Z0 j 50 + 50
Hence |ρ| =
√(502 + 502)/ √(502 + 502)and the VSWR = 1 + |ρ| = 2 = ∞ 1 − |ρ| 0 Correct Option: C
Reflection coefficient is given by
ρ = ZL − Z0 = j 50 − 50 ZL + Z0 j 50 + 50
Hence |ρ| =
√(502 + 502)/ √(502 + 502)and the VSWR = 1 + |ρ| = 2 = ∞ 1 − |ρ| 0
- A transmission line whose characteristic impedance is a pure resistance—
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We know that,
Z0 = √ R + jωL G + jωC
With Z0 as pure resistance, we have
Z0 = R + j0
1. Lossless line has: R = G = 0;
∴ Z0 = √L/C
2. Distortionless line: R/ G = L/C
3. L = 0, C = 0, Z = √R/G Thus transmission line may be lossless, distortionless or with L = C = 0.Correct Option: E
We know that,
Z0 = √ R + jωL G + jωC
With Z0 as pure resistance, we have
Z0 = R + j0
1. Lossless line has: R = G = 0;
∴ Z0 = √L/C
2. Distortionless line: R/ G = L/C
3. L = 0, C = 0, Z = √R/G Thus transmission line may be lossless, distortionless or with L = C = 0.