Economics miscellaneous
- Collective consumption means
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Collective consumption is a concept that refers to the many goods and services that are produced and consumed on a collective level, such as in cities or countries. These include schools, libraries, roads, bridges, public transportation, health care, welfare, fire and police protection, etc.
Correct Option: D
Collective consumption is a concept that refers to the many goods and services that are produced and consumed on a collective level, such as in cities or countries. These include schools, libraries, roads, bridges, public transportation, health care, welfare, fire and police protection, etc.
- What is meant by ‘Capital Gain’ ?
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A capital gain is a profit that results from a disposition of a capital asset, such as stock, bond or real estate, where the amount realised on the disposition
exceeds the purchase price. The gain is the difference between a higher selling price and a lower purchase price. Capital gains may refer to "investment income" that arises in relation to real assets. In other words, a capital gain represents an appreciation in value accruing over a prescribed period of time on the asset.Correct Option: B
A capital gain is a profit that results from a disposition of a capital asset, such as stock, bond or real estate, where the amount realised on the disposition
exceeds the purchase price. The gain is the difference between a higher selling price and a lower purchase price. Capital gains may refer to "investment income" that arises in relation to real assets. In other words, a capital gain represents an appreciation in value accruing over a prescribed period of time on the asset.
- The relationship between the rate of interest and level of consumption was first visualized by
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Irving Fisher, in His Theory of Interest (1930), found the relationship between interest rates (nominal interest rate and real interest rate) and the consumption level. Though his theory is about interest rate and inflation, it discusses the effect of real interest rate on savings and gives an inverse relationship between nominal interest rates and consumer expenditures.
Correct Option: C
Irving Fisher, in His Theory of Interest (1930), found the relationship between interest rates (nominal interest rate and real interest rate) and the consumption level. Though his theory is about interest rate and inflation, it discusses the effect of real interest rate on savings and gives an inverse relationship between nominal interest rates and consumer expenditures.
- Savings rate is relatively low in developed economies because of
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As a general rule, saving is considered as a derivative of consumption. Developed economies have lower saving rates than developing countries because at the same income level, the level of consumption is higher in their cases. Besides, as seen in the recent case of the United States, welfare programmes have been found to be responsible for falling saving rate. Redistributing from young and future generations to older generations raises national consumption and lowers national saving (The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics).
Correct Option: B
As a general rule, saving is considered as a derivative of consumption. Developed economies have lower saving rates than developing countries because at the same income level, the level of consumption is higher in their cases. Besides, as seen in the recent case of the United States, welfare programmes have been found to be responsible for falling saving rate. Redistributing from young and future generations to older generations raises national consumption and lowers national saving (The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics).
- The value of investment multiplier relates to
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The term investment multiplier refers to the concept that any increase in public or private investment spending has a more than proportionate positive impact on aggregate income and the general economy. The investment multiplier tries to determine the financial impact for a public or private project.
Correct Option: B
The term investment multiplier refers to the concept that any increase in public or private investment spending has a more than proportionate positive impact on aggregate income and the general economy. The investment multiplier tries to determine the financial impact for a public or private project.