Communication miscellaneous

  1. For the data in Q. 35 and if capacitor used is 100 Pf then R—

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    We know that
    Time constant τ = RC

    R =
    0.212 × 10−3
    = 0.212 × 107 Ω
    c100 × 10 −12

    Correct Option: D

    We know that
    Time constant τ = RC

    R =
    0.212 × 10−3
    = 0.212 × 107 Ω
    c100 × 10 −12

  1. Which one of the following statement is correct? In a ratio detector:

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    The ratio detector has one major advantage over the slope detector and Foster-Seeley discriminator for FM demodulation is that it is relatively immune to amplitude variations in its input signal.
    The schematic diagram for the ratio detector is shown. As with the Foster-Seeley discriminator, a ratio detector has a single tuned circuit in the transformer secondary. Therefore, the operation of a ratio detector is similar to that of the Foster-Seeley discrimination. In fact, the diodes D1 and D2 are identical. However, with the ratio detector, one diode is reversed (D2 ) and current ld can flow around the outermost loop of the circuit. Hence alternative (D) is the correct choice.

    Correct Option: D

    The ratio detector has one major advantage over the slope detector and Foster-Seeley discriminator for FM demodulation is that it is relatively immune to amplitude variations in its input signal.
    The schematic diagram for the ratio detector is shown. As with the Foster-Seeley discriminator, a ratio detector has a single tuned circuit in the transformer secondary. Therefore, the operation of a ratio detector is similar to that of the Foster-Seeley discrimination. In fact, the diodes D1 and D2 are identical. However, with the ratio detector, one diode is reversed (D2 ) and current ld can flow around the outermost loop of the circuit. Hence alternative (D) is the correct choice.

  1. Which one of the following is represented by
    V(t) = 5[cos (106 πt) – sin (103 πt) × sin (106 πt)]

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    Correct Option: D


  1. In a broadcast transmitter, the RF output is represented as
    e(t) = 50 [1 + 0·89 cos 5000 t + 0·30 sin 9000t] cos (6 × 106t) volt
    What are the sidebands of the signals in radians?

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    The given equation. e(t) = 50[1 + 0·89 cos 5000 t + 0·30 sin 9000t] cos (6 × 106t) volt
    Let 5000 = ωm1 or ωm1 = 0·005 MHz
    9000 = ωm2 or ωm2 = 0·009 MHz
    6 × 106 = ωc1 or ωc1 = 6 MHz
    e(t) = 50[cos ωc1 t + 0·89 cos ωm1t. cos ωc1t + 0·30 sin ωm2t]
    Sidebands of the signals are at
    ωc1 ± ωm1 and ωc1 ± ωm2, frequency
    i.e. (6 ± 0·005) MHz and (6 ± 0·009) MHz
    6·005 × 106, 5·995 × 106, 6·009 × 106, 5·991 × 106
    Hence alternative (B) is the correct choice.

    Correct Option: B

    The given equation. e(t) = 50[1 + 0·89 cos 5000 t + 0·30 sin 9000t] cos (6 × 106t) volt
    Let 5000 = ωm1 or ωm1 = 0·005 MHz
    9000 = ωm2 or ωm2 = 0·009 MHz
    6 × 106 = ωc1 or ωc1 = 6 MHz
    e(t) = 50[cos ωc1 t + 0·89 cos ωm1t. cos ωc1t + 0·30 sin ωm2t]
    Sidebands of the signals are at
    ωc1 ± ωm1 and ωc1 ± ωm2, frequency
    i.e. (6 ± 0·005) MHz and (6 ± 0·009) MHz
    6·005 × 106, 5·995 × 106, 6·009 × 106, 5·991 × 106
    Hence alternative (B) is the correct choice.

  1. The sum of two signals e1 = 3 sin (4π × 103t) and e1= 5 sin(4π × 256t) is sampled at 1024 Hz. The sampled signal is passed through a low pass filter with cut off at 2048 Hz. The output of the filter will contain components at—

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    Given that
    e1= 3 sin(4π × 103t), fm1 = 2 × 103 Hz
    e2 = 5 sin(4 π × 256t), fm2 = 256 Hz
    sampling frequency, fs = 1024 Hz
    cut-off frequency of LPF, ωc = 2048 Hz
    Since for proper reconstruction of signal fs ≥ 2fm
    For fm1, fs less than 2fm1 so it will pass through the LPF,
    while for fm2, fs > 2fm2 [i.e. 1024 > (2 × 256)]
    So the output of the filter will contain 256 Hz component only.

    Correct Option: C

    Given that
    e1= 3 sin(4π × 103t), fm1 = 2 × 103 Hz
    e2 = 5 sin(4 π × 256t), fm2 = 256 Hz
    sampling frequency, fs = 1024 Hz
    cut-off frequency of LPF, ωc = 2048 Hz
    Since for proper reconstruction of signal fs ≥ 2fm
    For fm1, fs less than 2fm1 so it will pass through the LPF,
    while for fm2, fs > 2fm2 [i.e. 1024 > (2 × 256)]
    So the output of the filter will contain 256 Hz component only.