
Direction: You have two brief passages with five questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
In an effort to produce the largest, fastest and most luxurious ship afloat, the British built the S.S. Titanic. It was so superior to anything else on the seas that it was dubbed ‘unsinkable’. So sure of this were the owners that they provided only twenty life boats and rafts, less than one-half the number needed for the 2,227 passengers on board. Many passengers were aboard the night it rammed an iceberg only two days at sea and more than halfway between England and its New-York destination. Because the luxury liner was travelling so fast, it was impossible to avoid the ghostly looking iceberg. An unextinguished fire also contributed to the ship’s submersion. Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be among the few to board the life boats. Four hours after the mishap, another ship, the ‘Carpathia’, rescued 705 survivors. The infamous S. S. Titanic had enjoyed only two days of sailing glory on its maiden voyage in 1912 before plunging into 12,000 feet of water near the coast of Newfoundland where it lies today.
infamous : well-known for being bad or evil.
plunging :moving or making somebody/something more suddenly forwards and/or down wards.
afluat : floating on water
rammed : to drive into/hit another vehicle, ship, etc.
with force (vehicle, ship, etc.) destination : a place to which somebody/something is going/being sent
submersion : the state of being under water/liquid
panic :a feeling of great fear
casualities : persons killed/injured in a war/an accident
mishap :a small accident
rescued : to save somebody/something from a dangerous situation
maiden : being the first of its kind
voyage :a long journey (sea, space)

  1. How many days was the S.S. Titanic at sea before sinking?

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    Correct Option: A


  1. All of the following contributed to the large death toll except

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    The Carpathia

    Correct Option: D

    The Carpathia

  1. All of the following are true except that

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    only a third of those aboard perished

    Correct Option: A

    only a third of those aboard perished

Direction: You have two brief passages with five questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Vacations were once the prerogative of the privileged few, even as late as the nineteenth century. Now they are considered the right of all, except for such unfortunate masses as in China, for whom life, except for sleep and brief periods of rest, is uninterrupted toil. They are more necessary now than before because the average life is well rounded and has become increasingly departmenta-lised. The idea of vacations, as we conceive it must be incomprehensible to primitive people. Rest of some kind has of course always been a part of the rhythm of human life, but earlier ages did not find it necessary to organise it in the way that modern man has done. Holidays, feast days, were sufficient. With modern man’s increasing tensions, with the useless quality of so much of his work, this break in the year’s routine became steadily more necessary. Vacations became necessary for the purpose of renewal and repair.
prerogative : a right or advantage belonging to a particular person or group because of his/its importance or social position. privileged : having special rights or advantages that most people do not have.
toil : hard unpleasant work that makes you feel very tired.
conceive : to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind.
incomprehensible : impossible to understand

  1. The contemporary attitude towards vacations is best expressed by which of the following proverbs?

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    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

    Correct Option: C

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

  1. As used in the passage the word prerogative (line)

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    Correct Option: B
