
Direction: In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    reality (Noun) : the true situation and the problems that actually exist in life
    delusion (Noun) : a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation
    acceptance (Noun) : the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc.
    precision (Noun) : the quality of being exact, accurate and careful ; accuracy
    fiction (Noun) : a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones; a thing that is invented or imagined and is not true

    Correct Option: A

    reality (Noun) : the true situation and the problems that actually exist in life
    delusion (Noun) : a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation
    acceptance (Noun) : the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc.
    precision (Noun) : the quality of being exact, accurate and careful ; accuracy
    fiction (Noun) : a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones; a thing that is invented or imagined and is not true


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    crude (Adjective) : simple and not very accurate but giving a general idea of something ; offensive or rude ; vulgar
    elegant (Adjective) : attractive and showing a good sense of style; stylish
    efficient (Adjective) : doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money or energy
    coy (Adjective) : shy or pretending to be shy and innocent ; reticent
    eloquent (Adjective) : able to use language and express your opinion well ; able to express a feeling

    Correct Option: A

    crude (Adjective) : simple and not very accurate but giving a general idea of something ; offensive or rude ; vulgar
    elegant (Adjective) : attractive and showing a good sense of style; stylish
    efficient (Adjective) : doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money or energy
    coy (Adjective) : shy or pretending to be shy and innocent ; reticent
    eloquent (Adjective) : able to use language and express your opinion well ; able to express a feeling


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    clear (Adjective) : easy to see or understand
    obscure (Adjective) : not well– known ; unknown ; difficult to understand
    bright (Adjective) : full of light ; shining strongly ; strong and easy to see ; cheerful and lively ; intelligent ; quick to learn
    open (Adjective) : not closed ; spread out ; not blocked by anything
    frank (Adjective) : honest and direct in what you say

    Correct Option: A

    clear (Adjective) : easy to see or understand
    obscure (Adjective) : not well– known ; unknown ; difficult to understand
    bright (Adjective) : full of light ; shining strongly ; strong and easy to see ; cheerful and lively ; intelligent ; quick to learn
    open (Adjective) : not closed ; spread out ; not blocked by anything
    frank (Adjective) : honest and direct in what you say


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    bottom (Noun) : the lowest part of something
    summit (Noun) : the highest point of something
    end (Noun) : the final part of something
    last (Adjective) : final ; at the end
    base (Noun) : the lowest part of something, especially on the part it rests/stands

    Correct Option: D

    bottom (Noun) : the lowest part of something
    summit (Noun) : the highest point of something
    end (Noun) : the final part of something
    last (Adjective) : final ; at the end
    base (Noun) : the lowest part of something, especially on the part it rests/stands


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    differ (Verb) : to be different from somebody/something; to disagree with somebody
    conform (Verb) : to behave and think in the same way or most other people in a group or society; to obey a rule, law, etc; comply; to agree to or match something
    reject (Verb) : to refuse to accept or consider something
    question (Verb) : to ask somebody a question
    ignore (Verb) : to pay no attention to something; disregard; take no notice of

    Correct Option: A

    differ (Verb) : to be different from somebody/something; to disagree with somebody
    conform (Verb) : to behave and think in the same way or most other people in a group or society; to obey a rule, law, etc; comply; to agree to or match something
    reject (Verb) : to refuse to accept or consider something
    question (Verb) : to ask somebody a question
    ignore (Verb) : to pay no attention to something; disregard; take no notice of