
Direction: In the following questions, choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word given in bold in each of the following questions :


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    disapproval (Noun) : a feeling that you don’t like an idea, an action or somebody’s behaviour because you think it is bad, not suitable or going to affect in somebody else.
    ractification (Noun) : making something valid by confirming it officially/formally
    disagreeable (Adjective) : not nice and enjoyable ; unpleasant; rude and unfriendly
    denial (Noun) : a statement that says something is not true or does not exist
    disturbing (Adjective) : making you feel anxious and upset or shocked

    Correct Option: A

    disapproval (Noun) : a feeling that you don’t like an idea, an action or somebody’s behaviour because you think it is bad, not suitable or going to affect in somebody else.
    ractification (Noun) : making something valid by confirming it officially/formally
    disagreeable (Adjective) : not nice and enjoyable ; unpleasant; rude and unfriendly
    denial (Noun) : a statement that says something is not true or does not exist
    disturbing (Adjective) : making you feel anxious and upset or shocked

Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given bold word.

  1. OMIT

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    include (Verb) : to make something a part of something
    omit (Verb) : not include; leave out
    exclude (Verb) : not include ; leave out
    undertake (Verb) : to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it
    add (Verb) : to put together

    Correct Option: B

    include (Verb) : to make something a part of something
    omit (Verb) : not include; leave out
    exclude (Verb) : not include ; leave out
    undertake (Verb) : to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it
    add (Verb) : to put together


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    fragmentation (Noun) : separating something into fine particles
    integration (Noun) : the act or process of combining two or more things so that they may work together
    unity (Noun) : the state of being together to form one unit
    synthesis (Noun) : a combination of ideas, beliefs, styles, etc.
    linking (Noun) : a connection between two or more people or things

    Correct Option: D

    fragmentation (Noun) : separating something into fine particles
    integration (Noun) : the act or process of combining two or more things so that they may work together
    unity (Noun) : the state of being together to form one unit
    synthesis (Noun) : a combination of ideas, beliefs, styles, etc.
    linking (Noun) : a connection between two or more people or things


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    large (Adjective) : big in size or quantity ; wide in range and involving many things
    miniature (Adjective, Noun) : very small ; a very small painting or model
    small (Adjective) : not large in size, number, degree, amount, etc.
    heavy (Adjective) : weighing a lot
    least (Adjective) : smallest in size, number, degree, amount, etc.

    Correct Option: A

    large (Adjective) : big in size or quantity ; wide in range and involving many things
    miniature (Adjective, Noun) : very small ; a very small painting or model
    small (Adjective) : not large in size, number, degree, amount, etc.
    heavy (Adjective) : weighing a lot
    least (Adjective) : smallest in size, number, degree, amount, etc.


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    invigorates (Verb) : to make somebody feel healthy and full of energy.
    exhausts (Verb) : to make somebody feel very tired ; wear out tires (Verb) : to become tired/ make somebody feel the same ; weary
    empties (Verb) : to remove everything that is in a container, place, room, etc ; evacuates
    drains (Verb) : to make something empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it.

    Correct Option: C

    invigorates (Verb) : to make somebody feel healthy and full of energy.
    exhausts (Verb) : to make somebody feel very tired ; wear out tires (Verb) : to become tired/ make somebody feel the same ; weary
    empties (Verb) : to remove everything that is in a container, place, room, etc ; evacuates
    drains (Verb) : to make something empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it.