
Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    sensitive (Adjective) : aware of and being able to understand other people and their feelings
    callous (Adjective) : not caring about other people’s feelings or sufferings; cruel
    soft (Adjective) : not stiff or hard; not loud; kind and sympathetic
    kind (Adjective) : gentle, friendly and generous
    generous (Adjective) : giving or willing to give freely

    Correct Option: A

    sensitive (Adjective) : aware of and being able to understand other people and their feelings
    callous (Adjective) : not caring about other people’s feelings or sufferings; cruel
    soft (Adjective) : not stiff or hard; not loud; kind and sympathetic
    kind (Adjective) : gentle, friendly and generous
    generous (Adjective) : giving or willing to give freely


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    plain (Adjective) : easy to see or understand; clear
    enigmatic (Adjective) : mysterious and difficult to understand
    simple (Adjective) : not complicated; easy
    reticent (Adjective) : unwilling to tell people about things; reserved; uncommunicative
    nervous (Adjective) : anxious about something or being afraid of something

    Correct Option: C

    plain (Adjective) : easy to see or understand; clear
    enigmatic (Adjective) : mysterious and difficult to understand
    simple (Adjective) : not complicated; easy
    reticent (Adjective) : unwilling to tell people about things; reserved; uncommunicative
    nervous (Adjective) : anxious about something or being afraid of something


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    meagre (Adjective) : small in quantity and poor in quality; paltry
    abundant (Adjective) : existing in large quantities; more than enough; plentiful
    short (Adjective) : not having enough of something; small in height, length or distance
    limited (Adjective) : not very great in amount or extent
    petty (Adjective) : small and unimportant; minor

    Correct Option: D

    meagre (Adjective) : small in quantity and poor in quality; paltry
    abundant (Adjective) : existing in large quantities; more than enough; plentiful
    short (Adjective) : not having enough of something; small in height, length or distance
    limited (Adjective) : not very great in amount or extent
    petty (Adjective) : small and unimportant; minor


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    relieve (Verb) : to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain; alleviate
    harass (Verb) : to worry or annoy somebody by putting pressure on him or saying or doing unpleasant things to him
    reward (Noun) : a thing that is given for doing something good, working hard etc.
    praise (Verb) : show approval of or admiration for somebody/ something
    flatter (Verb) : to say nice things about somebody in a way that is not sincere, because you want him to do something for you or you want to please him

    Correct Option: D

    relieve (Verb) : to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain; alleviate
    harass (Verb) : to worry or annoy somebody by putting pressure on him or saying or doing unpleasant things to him
    reward (Noun) : a thing that is given for doing something good, working hard etc.
    praise (Verb) : show approval of or admiration for somebody/ something
    flatter (Verb) : to say nice things about somebody in a way that is not sincere, because you want him to do something for you or you want to please him


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    repulsive (Adjective) : causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant; disgusting
    charming (Adjective) : very pleasant or attractive
    insolent (Adjective) : extremely rude and showing a lack of respect
    indignant (Adjective) : feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly
    handicapped (Adjective) : suffering from a mental or physical disability; disabled

    Correct Option: C

    repulsive (Adjective) : causing a feeling of strong dislike; very unpleasant; disgusting
    charming (Adjective) : very pleasant or attractive
    insolent (Adjective) : extremely rude and showing a lack of respect
    indignant (Adjective) : feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly
    handicapped (Adjective) : suffering from a mental or physical disability; disabled