
Direction: In the following questions, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    retain (Verb) : to keep something; to continue to have something ; preserve
    abandon (Verb) : to leave ; to for sake ; to give up
    regain (Verb) : to get back something you no longer have, especially an ability or a quality
    remain (Verb) : to continue to exist ; to be still in the same state or condition
    revive (Verb) : to become, or to make somebody/something become conscious/healthy and strong again

    Correct Option: B

    retain (Verb) : to keep something; to continue to have something ; preserve
    abandon (Verb) : to leave ; to for sake ; to give up
    regain (Verb) : to get back something you no longer have, especially an ability or a quality
    remain (Verb) : to continue to exist ; to be still in the same state or condition
    revive (Verb) : to become, or to make somebody/something become conscious/healthy and strong again

Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    weak (Adjective) : not physically strong ; likely to break ; not having much power
    potent (Adjective) : having a strong effect on your mind/ body; powerful
    inefficient (Adjective) : not doing a job well and not making the best use of time, money, energy, etc.
    soft (Adjective) : very brittle
    fragile (Adjective) : easily broken/damaged ; weak and uncertain

    Correct Option: D

    weak (Adjective) : not physically strong ; likely to break ; not having much power
    potent (Adjective) : having a strong effect on your mind/ body; powerful
    inefficient (Adjective) : not doing a job well and not making the best use of time, money, energy, etc.
    soft (Adjective) : very brittle
    fragile (Adjective) : easily broken/damaged ; weak and uncertain


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    expedite (verb) : to make a process happen more quickly ; speed up
    procrastinate (Verb) : to delay doing something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it
    experiment (Verb) : to try or test new ideas, methods, etc.; to find out what effect they have
    exclude (Verb) : not to include something deliberately in what you are doing/considering
    propagate (Verb) : to spread an idea, a belief or a piece of information among many people

    Correct Option: B

    expedite (verb) : to make a process happen more quickly ; speed up
    procrastinate (Verb) : to delay doing something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it
    experiment (Verb) : to try or test new ideas, methods, etc.; to find out what effect they have
    exclude (Verb) : not to include something deliberately in what you are doing/considering
    propagate (Verb) : to spread an idea, a belief or a piece of information among many people


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    commencement (Noun) : beginning
    cessation (Noun) : the stopping of something; a pause in something
    renewal (Noun) : a situation in which something begins again after a pause or an interruption
    ongoing (Adjective) : continuing to exist/develop
    interruption (Noun) : something that temporarily stops an activity or a situation

    Correct Option: A

    commencement (Noun) : beginning
    cessation (Noun) : the stopping of something; a pause in something
    renewal (Noun) : a situation in which something begins again after a pause or an interruption
    ongoing (Adjective) : continuing to exist/develop
    interruption (Noun) : something that temporarily stops an activity or a situation


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    extravagant (Adjective) : spending a lot more money/using a lot more of something than you can afford or is necessary
    frugal (Adjective) : using only as much money or food is necessary ; meagre
    miserly (Adjective) : hating to spend money
    gluttonous (Adjective) : greedy
    plentiful (Adjective) :abundant

    Correct Option: D

    extravagant (Adjective) : spending a lot more money/using a lot more of something than you can afford or is necessary
    frugal (Adjective) : using only as much money or food is necessary ; meagre
    miserly (Adjective) : hating to spend money
    gluttonous (Adjective) : greedy
    plentiful (Adjective) :abundant