Indian polity miscellaneous
- What is the composition of the electoral college for the election of Vice-President of India?
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The Vice President is elected indirectly, by an electoral college consisting of members of both houses of the Parliament. The election of the Vice President is slightly different from the election of the President—the members of state legislatures are not part of the electoral college for Vice Presidential election. The election is held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote and the voting in such election is by secret ballot.
Correct Option: B
The Vice President is elected indirectly, by an electoral college consisting of members of both houses of the Parliament. The election of the Vice President is slightly different from the election of the President—the members of state legislatures are not part of the electoral college for Vice Presidential election. The election is held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote and the voting in such election is by secret ballot.
- The “Residuary Powers” (not mentioned in the Union, State or Concurrent lists of the Constitution) are vested in
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Three subject lists, the Union list, the State list, and the Concurrent list, define the legislative powers of each level of government. All residuary powers are vested with the Parliament of India. In the U.S.A. and Australia the residuary powers are given to the States. In Canada they vest in the Union.
Correct Option: B
Three subject lists, the Union list, the State list, and the Concurrent list, define the legislative powers of each level of government. All residuary powers are vested with the Parliament of India. In the U.S.A. and Australia the residuary powers are given to the States. In Canada they vest in the Union.
- From which Constitution of the World, the Indian Constitution has adopted the concept of “Directive Principles of State Policy”?
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The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy was borrowed from the Irish Constitution. The makers of the Constitution of India were influenced by the Irish nationalist movement. Hence, the Directive Principles of the Indian constitution have been greatly influenced by the Directive Principles of State Policy.
Correct Option: A
The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy was borrowed from the Irish Constitution. The makers of the Constitution of India were influenced by the Irish nationalist movement. Hence, the Directive Principles of the Indian constitution have been greatly influenced by the Directive Principles of State Policy.
- Which of the following Standing Committees of Parliament has no MP from Rajya Sabha?
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The Estimates Committee, constituted for the first time in 1950, is a Parliamentary Committee consisting of 30 Members, elected every year by the Lok Sabha from amongst its Members. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker from amongst its members. A Minister cannot be elected as a member of the Committee and if a member after his election to the Committee, is appointed a Minister, he ceases to be a member of the Committee from the date of such appointment.
Correct Option: B
The Estimates Committee, constituted for the first time in 1950, is a Parliamentary Committee consisting of 30 Members, elected every year by the Lok Sabha from amongst its Members. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker from amongst its members. A Minister cannot be elected as a member of the Committee and if a member after his election to the Committee, is appointed a Minister, he ceases to be a member of the Committee from the date of such appointment.
- Point out which from the following is not a right enumerated in the Constitution of India but has been articulated by the Supreme Court to be a Fundamental Right.
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Judicial activism has brought the Right to Privacy within the realm of Fundamental Rights. The Supreme Court of India has construed “right to privacy” as a part of the Fundamental Right to “protection of life and personal liberty” under Article 21 of the Constitution, which states “no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedures established by law”. In the context of personal liberty, the Supreme Court has observed “those who feel called upon to deprive other persons of their personal liberty in the discharge of what they conceive to be their duty must strictly and scrupulously observe the forms and rules of the law”.
Correct Option: A
Judicial activism has brought the Right to Privacy within the realm of Fundamental Rights. The Supreme Court of India has construed “right to privacy” as a part of the Fundamental Right to “protection of life and personal liberty” under Article 21 of the Constitution, which states “no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedures established by law”. In the context of personal liberty, the Supreme Court has observed “those who feel called upon to deprive other persons of their personal liberty in the discharge of what they conceive to be their duty must strictly and scrupulously observe the forms and rules of the law”.