Indian polity miscellaneous

  1. A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force

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    The Indian constitution under Article 123 gives special legislative powers to President of India for promulgating ordinance under certain circumstances. If a legislation is warranted at a time when the legislature is not in session, the President on the request of the executive can issue an ordinance having the force and effect of an Act. However every such ordinance must be laid before both the Houses of Parliament and shall cease to operate, on the expiry of six weeks from the date of is reassembly, unless approved by the Parliament. The ordinance also becomes in operative if before the expiry of six weeks a resolution is passed by Parliament against it. The ordinance remains in force for 6 months.

    Correct Option: B

    The Indian constitution under Article 123 gives special legislative powers to President of India for promulgating ordinance under certain circumstances. If a legislation is warranted at a time when the legislature is not in session, the President on the request of the executive can issue an ordinance having the force and effect of an Act. However every such ordinance must be laid before both the Houses of Parliament and shall cease to operate, on the expiry of six weeks from the date of is reassembly, unless approved by the Parliament. The ordinance also becomes in operative if before the expiry of six weeks a resolution is passed by Parliament against it. The ordinance remains in force for 6 months.

  1. The Speaker of the Lok-Sabha has to address his/her letter of resignation to

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    The Speaker may, at any time, resign from office by writing under her hand to the Deputy Speaker. The Speaker can be removed from office only on a resolution of the House passed by a majority of all the then members of the House. Such a resolution has to satisfy some conditions like: it should be specific with respect to the charges and it should not contain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions, imputations or defamatory statements, etc. Not only these, discussions should be confined to charges referred to in the resolution.

    Correct Option: C

    The Speaker may, at any time, resign from office by writing under her hand to the Deputy Speaker. The Speaker can be removed from office only on a resolution of the House passed by a majority of all the then members of the House. Such a resolution has to satisfy some conditions like: it should be specific with respect to the charges and it should not contain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions, imputations or defamatory statements, etc. Not only these, discussions should be confined to charges referred to in the resolution.

  1. Which is not an All India Service?

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    The All India Services are the three all India Civil Services of India, namely the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Police Service (IPS) & the Indian Forest Service (IFS). The officers of the All India Services are recruited and trained by the federal Union Government (“the Centre”) and serve in the various State Governments (“the States”) as well as Centre (which is why the Indian Revenue Service is a “central service” instead of an All India Service as they work only in the Central Government).

    Correct Option: C

    The All India Services are the three all India Civil Services of India, namely the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Police Service (IPS) & the Indian Forest Service (IFS). The officers of the All India Services are recruited and trained by the federal Union Government (“the Centre”) and serve in the various State Governments (“the States”) as well as Centre (which is why the Indian Revenue Service is a “central service” instead of an All India Service as they work only in the Central Government).

  1. The Prime Minister of India is

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    The Prime Minister is appointed by the President to assist the latter in the administration of the affairs of the executive. The Constitution envisages a scheme of affairs in which the President of India is the head of the executive in terms of Article 53 with office of the Prime Minister as heading the Council of Ministers to assist and advise the President in the discharge of the executive power.

    Correct Option: B

    The Prime Minister is appointed by the President to assist the latter in the administration of the affairs of the executive. The Constitution envisages a scheme of affairs in which the President of India is the head of the executive in terms of Article 53 with office of the Prime Minister as heading the Council of Ministers to assist and advise the President in the discharge of the executive power.

  1. The Parliamentary Committee which scrutinises the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is

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    The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a committee of selected members of Parliament, constituted by the Parliament of India, for the auditing of the expenditure of the Government of India. Its chief function is to examine the audit report of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) after it is laid in the Parliament. CAG assists the committee during the course of investigation. None of the 22 members shall be a minister in the government.

    Correct Option: C

    The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a committee of selected members of Parliament, constituted by the Parliament of India, for the auditing of the expenditure of the Government of India. Its chief function is to examine the audit report of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) after it is laid in the Parliament. CAG assists the committee during the course of investigation. None of the 22 members shall be a minister in the government.