Selecting Words

Direction: In these questions, two sentences (I) and (II) are given. Each sentence has a blank in it. Against each five options are suggested. Out of these, only one fits at both the places in the context of each sentence. Mark that option as your answer.

  1. I. Usually fund-raising events and charity auctions raise a large amount of money as people from all sections of the society get an opportunity to ................. for a cause.
    II. Today, a person needs to ................. very hard for surviving in the corporate race.

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    The correct word is filled in the above given sentences :-

    Correct Option: A

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    I. Usually fund-raising events and charity auctions raise a large amount of money as people from all sections of the society get an opportunity to work for a cause.
    II. Today, a person needs to work very hard for surviving in the corporate race.

  1. I. He was good with Mathematics so he could not fathorn why other people cribbed about such an ................. subject.
    II. In a world so riddled with greed and corruption where every man seems to be out to get another, it is not very ................ to trust others.

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    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentences :-

    Correct Option: D

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentences :-
    I. He was good with Mathematics so he could not fathorn why other people cribbed about such an interesting subject.
    II. In a world so riddled with greed and corruption where every man seems to be out to get another, it is not very interesting to trust others.

  1. I. In today’s world parents usually ............... that their children do not talk to them as they are more involved in electronic gadgets and social media.
    II. He would ................ about every other child on the playground and his parents would fight with other parents so as to protect him.

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    The correct word is given as :-

    Correct Option: D

    The correct word is filled in the above given sentences :-
    I. In today’s world parents usually observe that their children do not talk to them as they are more involved in electronic gadgets and social media.
    II. He would observe about every other child on the playground and his parents would fight with other parents so as to protect him.

  1. I. The area under our eyes in connected to our kidneys, so any .................. change in the dark circles indicates dehydration or accumulating toxins.
    II. Many Indian adults are struggling with weight, thus indulging in weight loss programmes that require ...................changes in their current lifestyle.

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    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is given as :-

    Correct Option: A

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentences :-
    I. The area under our eyes in connected to our kidneys, so any drastic change in the dark circles indicates dehydration or accumulating toxins.
    II. Many Indian adults are struggling with weight, thus indulging in weight loss programmes that require drastic changes in their current lifestyle.

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate oval in the Answer Sheet.

  1. The human mind seems to have built-in ________against original thought.

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    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-

    Correct Option: A

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    The human mind seems to have built-in prejudices against original thought.