Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate and suitable word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternative.

  1. The patient is _______ of stomach ache.

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    complaining → of → He was complaining of a severe headache
    The prepositions that the following words take are:
    suffering → from → He was suffering from fever.
    experiencing → He is experiencing a lean period.
    afflicting → His stomach ache was very afflicting.
    Here, complaining is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    complaining → of → He was complaining of a severe headache
    The prepositions that the following words take are:
    suffering → from → He was suffering from fever.
    experiencing → He is experiencing a lean period.
    afflicting → His stomach ache was very afflicting.
    Here, complaining is the right usage.

  1. The food that an average Indian eats has been found to be deficient ________ vitamins and proteins.

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    deficient (Adj.) : not having enough of something, especially, something that is
    essential It agrees with in (Prep.)
    Here, in is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    deficient (Adj.) : not having enough of something, especially, something that is
    essential It agrees with in (Prep.)
    Here, in is the right usage.

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate and suitable word. Four alternatives and suggested for each
question. Choose the correct alternatives out of the four.

  1. Last year our company made a ____ of several lakhs of rupees.

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    Here, profit (Noun) is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    Here, profit (Noun) is the right usage.

  1. _____ you work hard, you won’t be able to clear even the preliminaries.

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    Unless is used instead of if .............. not in Conditional Sentences.
    If you do not work hard, you won’t be able to clear even the preliminaries
    Here, Unless is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Unless is used instead of if .............. not in Conditional Sentences.
    If you do not work hard, you won’t be able to clear even the preliminaries
    Here, Unless is the right usage.

  1. The new India that Nehru led called itself a Sovereign _____ Democratic Republic.

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    Socialist (Noun) : a country governed by a party that believes that everyone has an
    equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries
    capitalist (Noun) : an investor of capital in business, especially one having a major financial
    interest in an important enterprise
    revisionist (Noun) : a person who wants to change a political system, especially Marxism,
    because he does not agree with its main ideas or practices
    populist (Noun) : a person who believes in or supports a type of politics that claims to represent the opinions and wishes of ordinary people
    Sovereign (Adj.) : a country free to govern itself
    Democratic (Adj.) : a country controlled by representatives who are elected by the people
    of a country
    Republic (Noun) : a country that is governed by a President and politicians elected by the
    Here, socialist is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    Socialist (Noun) : a country governed by a party that believes that everyone has an
    equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries
    capitalist (Noun) : an investor of capital in business, especially one having a major financial
    interest in an important enterprise
    revisionist (Noun) : a person who wants to change a political system, especially Marxism,
    because he does not agree with its main ideas or practices
    populist (Noun) : a person who believes in or supports a type of politics that claims to represent the opinions and wishes of ordinary people
    Sovereign (Adj.) : a country free to govern itself
    Democratic (Adj.) : a country controlled by representatives who are elected by the people
    of a country
    Republic (Noun) : a country that is governed by a President and politicians elected by the
    Here, socialist is the right usage.