Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

  1. I hate him for the simple reason that he keeps singing his own praises continually talking about himself. He is an irritating _____. He is a real _____ because for anything he does he always expects something in return, a selfish person indeed.

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    egotist (Noun) : a selfish, self–centred person
    egoist (Noun) : a person who thinks that he or she is better than other people and who thinks and talks too much about himself or herself
    poser (Noun) : a difficult question or problem
    misanthrope (Noun) : a person who hates and avoids other people
    Here, egotist, egoist is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    egotist (Noun) : a selfish, self–centred person
    egoist (Noun) : a person who thinks that he or she is better than other people and who thinks and talks too much about himself or herself
    poser (Noun) : a difficult question or problem
    misanthrope (Noun) : a person who hates and avoids other people
    Here, egotist, egoist is the right usage.

  1. Please write to me _____ this address.

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    Here, at (Prep.) is the right usage.
    at (Prep.) is used for specific addresses.

    Correct Option: B

    Here, at (Prep.) is the right usage.
    at (Prep.) is used for specific addresses.

  1. We had _____ money left, so we went out for a meal. We decided to abandon our trip as we had ____ money left.

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    a little (Adv.) : a small amount; some : used with Uncountable Nouns
    little (Adj.) : not much Used with Uncountable Nouns
    few (Adj.) : not many Used with Plural Nouns and a Plural Verb
    a few (Adv. Adj) : a small number; some; used with Plural Noun and a Plural Verb
    Here, a little, little is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    a little (Adv.) : a small amount; some : used with Uncountable Nouns
    little (Adj.) : not much Used with Uncountable Nouns
    few (Adj.) : not many Used with Plural Nouns and a Plural Verb
    a few (Adv. Adj) : a small number; some; used with Plural Noun and a Plural Verb
    Here, a little, little is the right usage.

  1. What ________ ? It ______wonderful.

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    The structure of the sentence (Interrogative, Present Continuous) is as follows :
    Is/Am/Are + Subject +V-ing?
    Here, are you cooking, smells is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    The structure of the sentence (Interrogative, Present Continuous) is as follows :
    Is/Am/Are + Subject +V-ing?
    Here, are you cooking, smells is the right usage.

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

  1. We are highly disappointed ........... the exam results.

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    disappointed (Verb) agrees with Prep. with
    Here, with is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    disappointed (Verb) agrees with Prep. with
    Here, with is the right usage.