Table chart

Direction: Study the following table carefully and answer the questions which follow. Number of Candidates found Eligible and the Number of Candidates Short listed for Interview for a recent Recruitment Process for 6 Posts form different states

  1. What is the overall percentage (rounded off to one digit after decimal) of candidates short listed over the total number of candidates eligible for Post I form all the States together?

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    Percentage =Total number of candidates shortlisted for post I x 100 %
    Total number of candidates eligible for post I

    Correct Option: D

    As per given table , we can see that
    Number of candidates eligible for post I in all State
    A = 2500 , B = 3200 , C = 2800 , D = 2400 , E = 3000 , F = 4800 , G = 6500
    Total number of candidates eligible for post I
    = 100(25 + 32 + 28 + 24 + 30 + 48 + 65)
    = 25200
    Number of candidates shortlisted for post I in all State
    A = 65 , B = 220 , C = 280 , D = 85 , E = 120 , F = 325 , G = 550
    Total number of candidates shortlisted for post I
    = 65 + 220 + 280 + 85 + 120 + 325 + 550
    = 1645

    ∴ Percentage =Total number of candidates shortlisted for post I x 100 %
    Total number of candidates eligible for post I

    ∴ Required answer =1645 x 100 = 6.52%

  1. What is the ratio of the total number of candidates short listed for post V to that for post VI from all states together?

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    Required ratio =Total candidates shortlisted for post V
    Total candidates shortlisted for post VI

    Correct Option: C

    As per given table , we can see that
    Total candidates shortlisted for post V = 1650
    Total candidates shortlisted for post VI = 2780

    ∴ Required ratio =Total candidates shortlisted for post V
    Total candidates shortlisted for post VI

    =1650= 165

  1. The total number of candidates found eligible for Post I from all states together is approximately what percent of total number of candidates found eligible for Post VI from all States together?

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    Percentage =Total number of candidates eligible from all states for post I x 100 %
    Total number of candidates eligible from all states for post VI

    Correct Option: E

    From above given table ,
    Total number of candidates eligible from all states for post I = 25200
    Total number of candidates eligible from all states for post VI = 39400

    ∴ Percentage =Total number of candidates eligible from all states for post I x 100 %
    Total number of candidates eligible from all states for post VI

    Required answer =25200 x 100 = 63.9%

Direction: Study the following table and answer the questions.
Number of students from various schools playing various games.
One student plays one game only.

  1. Which school has the maximum number of players?

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    As per given table, we can see that,
    ∵ Total number of players in School = sum of number of players in given all games

    Correct Option: D

    As per given table, we can see that,
    ∵ Total number of players in School = sum of number of players in given all games
    Total number of players in
    School A = 150 + 250 + 200 + 100 + 120 = 820
    School B = 200 + 125 + 195 + 130 + 180 = 830
    School C = 250 + 175 + 245 + 60 + 150 = 880
    School D = 230 + 100 + 200 + 40 + 130 = 700
    School E = 200 + 250 + 225 + 65 + 165 = 905
    Required answer will be School E .

Direction: Study the following table carefully and answer the questions which follow. Number of Candidates found Eligible and the Number of Candidates Short listed for Interview for a recent Recruitment Process for 6 Posts form different states

  1. What is the ratio of the total number of candidates shortlisted for all the posts together from State E to that from state G?

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    Required ratio =Number of candidates shortlisted from state E for all the posts
    Number of candidates shortlisted form state G for all posts

    Correct Option: A

    Number of candidates shortlisted from state E for all the posts = 120 + 280 + 75 + 280 + 260 + 520 = 1535
    Number of candidates shortlisted form state G for all posts = 550 + 140 + 325 + 220 + 410 + 200 = 1845

    Required ratio =Number of candidates shortlisted from state E for all the posts
    Number of candidates shortlisted form state G for all posts

    = 1535= 307