Ranking Test

  1. Lakshmi is elder than Meenu. Leela is elder than Meenu but younger than Lakshmi. Latha is younger than both Meenu and Hari but Hari is younger than Meenu. who is the youngest ?

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    According to the question,
    Lakshmi is elder than Meenu
    Lakshmi > Meenu
    Leela is elder than Meenu but younger than Lakshmi
    Lakshmi > Leela > Meenu

    Correct Option: D

    According to the question,
    Lakshmi is elder than Meenu
    Lakshmi > Meenu
    Leela is elder than Meenu but younger than Lakshmi
    Lakshmi > Leela > Meenu
    Latha is younger than both Meenu and Hari but Hari is younger than Meenu
    Meenu > Hari > Latha

    On arranging the above data, we get
    Lakshmi > Leela > Meenu > Hari > Latha

    Hence, Latha is the youngest.

  1. P, Q, R and S are four males. P is the eldest in the group but he is not the poorest, R is the richest but not the eldest, Q is elder than S but he is not elder than P or R, P is richer than Q but he is not richer than S. How the four persons can be arranged in decreasing order of their age and money ?

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    For Age according to question
    P is eldest in the group.
    R is not eldest in the group.
    Q is elder than S but he is not elder than P or R.

    For Money according to question
    P is not the poorest.
    R is the riches.
    P is richer than Q but he is not richer than S

    Correct Option: B

    For Age according to question
    P is eldest in the group.
    R is not eldest in the group.
    Q is elder than S but he is not elder than P or R.
    Decreasing order ( age wise )
    P > R > Q > S

    For Money according to question
    P is not the poorest.
    R is the riches.
    P is richer than Q but he is not richer than S
    Decreasing order ( money wise )
    R > S > P > Q

  1. In a cricket team, Dhoni is taller than Virat but not as tall as Raina, Rohit is shorter than Dhoni but taller than Shikhar. Who among them is the shortest ?

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    The data is inadequate.

    Correct Option: D

    The data is inadequate becouse it is not given that who between Virat and Shikhar is taller. Hence, answer cannot be determined.

  1. The age of Ram is twice the age of Shyam and half the age of Sohan, Shyam is elder than Mohan. Who is the eldest ?

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    Let the age of Shyam = x year
    Then, age of Ram = 2x year
    and age of Sohan = 4x year

    Correct Option: C

    Let the age of Shyam = x year
    Then, age of Ram = 2x year
    and age of Sohan = 4x year
    ∴ 4x > 2x > x
    On arranging the above data, we get
    ∴ Sohan > Ram > Shyam > Mohan
    So, Sohan is the eldest.

  1. Sashi is 2 year elder than Sunita, Sunita is 3 year elder than Bindu, Shekhar is 1 year elder than Bindu. Who is the youngest in the group ?

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    According to the question,
    Sashi is 2 year elder than Sunita
    Sashi > Sunita
    Sunita is 3 year elder than Bindu
    Sunita > Bindu
    Shekhar is 1 year elder than Bindu
    Shekhar > Bindu

    Correct Option: C

    According to the question,
    Sashi is 2 yearr elder than Sunita
    Sashi > Sunita
    Sunita is 3 yearr elder than Bindu
    Sunita > Bindu
    Shekhar is 1 year elder than Bindu
    Shekhar > Bindu

    After arranging the Data
    ∴ Sashi > Sunita > Shekhar > Bindu
    So, youngest person in the group is Bindu.