Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Your answer to these questions should be based on passage only.
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. The general recognition of this fact is show in the proverbial phrase, 'It is the busiest man who has time to spare. 'Thus, an elderly lady at leisure can spend the entire day writing a postcard to her niece. An hour will be spent in finding the postcard, another hunting for spectacles, half an hour to search for the address, an hour and a quarter in composition and twenty minute in deciding whether or not to take an umbrella when going to the pillar box in the street. The total effort that would occupy a busy man for three minutes, all told, may in this fashion leave another person completely exhausted after a day of doubt, anxiety and toil.
- What does the expression 'pillar box' stand for?
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The answer is (d). can be derived through implied information. The lady has to go to the pillar box to drop her letter.
Correct Option: D
The answer is (d). can be derived through implied information. The lady has to go to the pillar box to drop her letter.
- What is the total time spent by the elderly lady in writing a postcard?
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The answer is (d) and it based on the information given in the passage.
Correct Option: D
The answer is (d) and it based on the information given in the passage.
- Who is the person likely to take more time to do work:
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Here, the answer is (b). It requires inference. The answer is to be inferred from the facts given in the passage that the more time you have ,the more you will need. Therefore, the answer is arrived at through complex inference.
Correct Option: B
Here, the answer is (b). It requires inference. The answer is to be inferred from the facts given in the passage that the more time you have ,the more you will need. Therefore, the answer is arrived at through complex inference.
- Explain the sentence: 'Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion' .
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The answer here is (b). This can be found out through simple inference. A statement is made right in the beginning of the passage and the story of the lady illustrates the fact that whatever time is available for a work, people tend to use all of it.
Correct Option: B
The answer here is (b). This can be found out through simple inference. A statement is made right in the beginning of the passage and the story of the lady illustrates the fact that whatever time is available for a work, people tend to use all of it.
Direction: The basic culture of the company flows top down. And therefore, it becomes paramount on the part of the top management to lead by precedents. If you look around, there is a severe dearth of leaders who talk and talk the walk. We often see leaders openly preaching austerity but practicing opulence with nauseating disesteem in the constraint of their four walls. ‘You reap what you sow’ is the law of nature. By sowing double standards, you cannot expect principled conduct from your employees. A majority of the people fall prey to mounting insecurities as they climb up the ladder of success, that is why the basis of people management is totally forgotten and sycophantic attributes are embraced with impunity. It is a known fact that right conduct is practiced by half while wrong actions are espoused manifold. Employers need to respect their employees and have to be compassionate towards them; only then can you create the progressive edifice.
- What are the leaders doing instead of what they should do ?
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The leaders are practicing opulence contrary to their preaching austerity.
Correct Option: C
The leaders are practicing opulence contrary to their preaching austerity.