Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it.
Honest self-criticism plays a vital role to purify our souls and to light the path of blissful success. The Holy Quran says: Truly he has succeeded who purifies it. And Truly, he has failed who defiles it. In fact, self criticism seems like a fairly straight-forward concept. It means acknowledging that we have committed a sin, whether against ourselves or other, be it Our Creator or anyone or anything in creation. For most of us, such a confession is an incredibly tough thing to do. Pride prevents us from owning our faults, especially before people when it is necessary. It behoves us to recall that being honest with ourselves is actually a way to enjoy life, rather than make it tougher. It is a fact that the best way to prevent ourselves from committing haram acts is to really investigate whether or not such activities are permissible in Islam and to refrain from doing them if they are not permissible
- What does self-criticism mean in this passage ?
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Self Criticism means to acknowledge that we have committed a sin against ourselves or others or anything in creation.
Correct Option: D
Self Criticism means to acknowledge that we have committed a sin against ourselves or others or anything in creation.
Direction: In many of the process control applications, the purpose of control system is to keep the output (controlled variable) almost constant in spite of changes in load. Mostly in continuous processes the set point remains constant for longer time. Such an operation is called 'Regulator Operation'. The set point generated, and the actual values from sensors are given to a controller. The controller compares both the signals, generates error signal which is utilized to generate a final signal as controller output. The controller output is finally utilized to physically change the values of manipulated variable to achieve stability. The above action is achieved with the help of final control elements. They are operatable either with electrical, pneumatic or with hydraulic signals. The system that serves good for servo operation will generally not be the best for regulator operation. Large capacity or inertia helps to minimize error here, whereas it makes the system sluggish in case of servo operation.
- What is the purpose of the control system?
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it is stated clearly in the first line of the passage that the purpose of control system is to keep the out constant inspite of changes in load.
Correct Option: A
it is stated clearly in the first line of the passage that the purpose of control system is to keep the out constant inspite of changes in load.
Direction: When the rains come, discussing weather stops qualifying as small talk. There are little signs everywhere and even if you usually sit with your bedroom windows tightly shut and your browsers wide open, there is no escaping the monsoon. You didn’t step outside today? No problem. If you scroll down the glowing screen of that laptop you have been staring at for the last three hours, there’ll be enough pictures and status updates to prove that it thundered and showered out in the non-digital world.
- If you scroll down the glowing screen of that laptop you would ?
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On the glowing screen of laptop you would see updates on rain.
Correct Option: A
On the glowing screen of laptop you would see updates on rain.
- '... you don't step outside today ? No problem' means ?
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Even if you do not go outside in order to escape from monsoon and get involved in internet you may feel the thunder and shower in internet.
Correct Option: C
Even if you do not go outside in order to escape from monsoon and get involved in internet you may feel the thunder and shower in internet.
- The passage is talking about ?
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In inescapable monsoons, because even one escapes from monsoon it can be felt through digital world.
Correct Option: C
In inescapable monsoons, because even one escapes from monsoon it can be felt through digital world.