Change of Speech

Direction: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

  1. “Are you the same person I met in the park?” I asked.

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    Correct Option: A

  1. She said,“I’ve been in this school since 1998.”

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    Correct Option: A

  1. They said to me, “Bring these books upstairs.”

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    Correct Option: C

  1. The boss said, “Please give me the latest reports.”

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    In order to change an Imperative Sent. into a to-Inf. or any other Prep. is used.
    This sentence can be changed as follows also :
    • The boss requested me to give him the latest reports.

    Correct Option: D

    In order to change an Imperative Sent. into a to-Inf. or any other Prep. is used.
    This sentence can be changed as follows also :
    • The boss requested me to give him the latest reports.

  1. He asks which chair he is to sit on.

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    when the Rep. V. is in S. Pre., the Tense in the Rep. Sp. does not change.

    Correct Option: C

    when the Rep. V. is in S. Pre., the Tense in the Rep. Sp. does not change.