Gupta Period

  1. Who established Nalanda University?

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    Kumargupta established Nalanda University. Nalanda flourished between the reign of the Sakraditya (whose identity is uncertain and who might have been either Kumargupta I or Kumargupta II) and 1197 AD, supported by patronage from the Hindugupta rulers as well as Buddhist emperors like Harsha and later emperors from the Pala empire.

    Correct Option: C

    Kumargupta established Nalanda University. Nalanda flourished between the reign of the Sakraditya (whose identity is uncertain and who might have been either Kumargupta I or Kumargupta II) and 1197 AD, supported by patronage from the Hindugupta rulers as well as Buddhist emperors like Harsha and later emperors from the Pala empire.

  1. During which period, the great epics of Ramayan and Mahabharat were given the final form?

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    During the Gupta period, the great epics of Ramayan and Mahabharat were given the final form. Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata is attributed to Vyasa. There have been many attempts to unravel its historical growth and com-positional layers. The oldest preserved parts of the text are thought to be not much older than around 4 BCE, though the origins of the epic probably fall between the 8th and 9th centuries BCE.

    Correct Option: D

    During the Gupta period, the great epics of Ramayan and Mahabharat were given the final form. Traditionally, the authorship of the Mahabharata is attributed to Vyasa. There have been many attempts to unravel its historical growth and com-positional layers. The oldest preserved parts of the text are thought to be not much older than around 4 BCE, though the origins of the epic probably fall between the 8th and 9th centuries BCE.

  1. What was the land revenue during Gupta period?

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    The land revenue during Gupta period was 1/6 to 1/4. The government revenue essentially came from land as commercial activity was no longer as big a contributor as it once was. Land revenue came from a variety of sources, like direct tax on the land as well as a tax on the produce of the land.

    Correct Option: D

    The land revenue during Gupta period was 1/6 to 1/4. The government revenue essentially came from land as commercial activity was no longer as big a contributor as it once was. Land revenue came from a variety of sources, like direct tax on the land as well as a tax on the produce of the land.

  1. Who explained that the earth rotates on its axis but revolves around the sun?

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    Aryabhatta explained that the earth rotates on its axis but revolves round the sun. Aryabhatta was the first to explain how the Lunar eclipse and the Solar eclipse happened. Aryabhatta also gave close approximation for Pi. In the Aryabhatiya, he wrote : "Add 4 to 100, multiply by 8, then add 62000 and then divided by 20000. The result is Approximately the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand.

    Correct Option: D

    Aryabhatta explained that the earth rotates on its axis but revolves round the sun. Aryabhatta was the first to explain how the Lunar eclipse and the Solar eclipse happened. Aryabhatta also gave close approximation for Pi. In the Aryabhatiya, he wrote : "Add 4 to 100, multiply by 8, then add 62000 and then divided by 20000. The result is Approximately the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand.

  1. Where was the center of higher education during Gupta period?

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    Nalanda was the centre of higher education during Gupta period. Nalanda , situated near Rajgriha in Bihar, was probably the highest seat of Buddhist learning. It was established as a Buddhist monastery probably during the reign of Kumargupta I (414 - 445 A.D). A Buddhist tradition says that Sakraditya established this center of learning. It was spread over an area of 1.6 km x 0.8 km. It had about 1500 professors and 10,000 students. Such eminent people as Panini, Jivaka and Chanakya are said to have studied there.

    Correct Option: A

    Nalanda was the centre of higher education during Gupta period. Nalanda , situated near Rajgriha in Bihar, was probably the highest seat of Buddhist learning. It was established as a Buddhist monastery probably during the reign of Kumargupta I (414 - 445 A.D). A Buddhist tradition says that Sakraditya established this center of learning. It was spread over an area of 1.6 km x 0.8 km. It had about 1500 professors and 10,000 students. Such eminent people as Panini, Jivaka and Chanakya are said to have studied there.