Gupta Period
- The Huna princess Avalladevi was the Queen of
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The Huna princess Avalladevi was the queen of Gangeyadeva. Their son Allata married a Huna princess named Hariyadevi. The Jabbalpore copper-plate inscription of Yasahkarnadeva, of the Kalachuri dynasty of Chedi 17 describes Yasahkarnadeva as the son of king Karnadeva and Avalladevi, a Huna princess.
Correct Option: A
The Huna princess Avalladevi was the queen of Gangeyadeva. Their son Allata married a Huna princess named Hariyadevi. The Jabbalpore copper-plate inscription of Yasahkarnadeva, of the Kalachuri dynasty of Chedi 17 describes Yasahkarnadeva as the son of king Karnadeva and Avalladevi, a Huna princess.
- Kumardevi, the Queen of Govindachandra Gahadavala, constructed Dharmachakra-jina-vihar at
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Kumardevi, the queen of Govindachandra Gahadavala, constructed Dharmachakrajinavihar at Sarnath. Kumaradevi, the Buddhist queen of the great Gahadavala king Govindachrandra of Kashi (CE 1114-1154). All the halls and apartments of the monks have disappeared. This monastery had two gateways towards the east, there being a distance of 88.45 m between the two. At the western most edge of the site, a distinct covered passage leads to a small medieval shrine.
Correct Option: D
Kumardevi, the queen of Govindachandra Gahadavala, constructed Dharmachakrajinavihar at Sarnath. Kumaradevi, the Buddhist queen of the great Gahadavala king Govindachrandra of Kashi (CE 1114-1154). All the halls and apartments of the monks have disappeared. This monastery had two gateways towards the east, there being a distance of 88.45 m between the two. At the western most edge of the site, a distinct covered passage leads to a small medieval shrine.
- Who among the following issued coins with seated Lakshmi on one side and ruler's name in Devanagri on the other ?
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Mohammad Ghori issued the coins with seated Lakshmi on one side and ruler's name in Devanagri on the other. These were revived by Gangeyadeva the Kalachuri ruler who issued the 'Seated Lakshami Coins' which were copied by later rulers both in gold as well as in debase form. The Bull & Horseman types of coins were the most common motif appearing on coins struck by the Rajput clans. In western India, imported coins like the Byzantine Solidi were often used reflecting trade with the Eastern Roman Empire.
Correct Option: A
Mohammad Ghori issued the coins with seated Lakshmi on one side and ruler's name in Devanagri on the other. These were revived by Gangeyadeva the Kalachuri ruler who issued the 'Seated Lakshami Coins' which were copied by later rulers both in gold as well as in debase form. The Bull & Horseman types of coins were the most common motif appearing on coins struck by the Rajput clans. In western India, imported coins like the Byzantine Solidi were often used reflecting trade with the Eastern Roman Empire.
- Who shifted the Chahamana capital from Sambhar to Ajmer ?
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Ajayaraja shifted the Chahamana capital from Sambhar to Ajmer. Arnoraja's fight against Turushka, i.e. the Yaminis of Lahore and Ghazna was inheritance from his father Ajayaraja who perhaps never succeeded in recovering Nagaur from Muslims had reached as far as Ajmer. In the battle that followed on the plain outside the city, the Yamini commander was decisively beaten and fled before the pursuing Chauhana.
Correct Option: A
Ajayaraja shifted the Chahamana capital from Sambhar to Ajmer. Arnoraja's fight against Turushka, i.e. the Yaminis of Lahore and Ghazna was inheritance from his father Ajayaraja who perhaps never succeeded in recovering Nagaur from Muslims had reached as far as Ajmer. In the battle that followed on the plain outside the city, the Yamini commander was decisively beaten and fled before the pursuing Chauhana.
- The Kriti-Stambha at Chittor was built by
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The Kirtistambha at Chittor was built by Rana Kumbha. The Kirtistambha (tower of fame) dedicated to Lord Adinath was constructed by Baghervala merchant Sah Jija by using "Nija-bhujoparjita", i.e. self-earned money, according to an inscription by his great-grandson who had the monument repaired in 1489. The exat date of building of the Kirti-stambha is not known. Some believe that Sah Jija had an older tower rebuilt, perhaps from 12th cent.
Correct Option: B
The Kirtistambha at Chittor was built by Rana Kumbha. The Kirtistambha (tower of fame) dedicated to Lord Adinath was constructed by Baghervala merchant Sah Jija by using "Nija-bhujoparjita", i.e. self-earned money, according to an inscription by his great-grandson who had the monument repaired in 1489. The exat date of building of the Kirti-stambha is not known. Some believe that Sah Jija had an older tower rebuilt, perhaps from 12th cent.