Statement and Conclusion

Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement. Give answer

  1. Statement:
    Because of the portrayal of ''modern'' women in films and private Indian channels which are popular in Pakistan, Pakistanis believe that Indian women are totally under the Western influence.
    Conclusions :
    I. Films and visual media largely depict the culture of a country.
    II. Women in Pakistan are still uninfluenced by the Western culture.

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    The belief of Pakistanis about the Indian women and its culture is totally based on whatever they watch on Indian channels and films. Hence I follows. As the modernity of Indian women is a highlighting thing for Pakistanis, we can conclude.II.

    Correct Option: E

    The belief of Pakistanis about the Indian women and its culture is totally based on whatever they watch on Indian channels and films. Hence I follows. As the modernity of Indian women is a highlighting thing for Pakistanis, we can conclude.II.

  1. Statement:
    Medical advancement has increased life expectancy and also the expectation of all and sundry to live longer and healthier but spiralling medical cost is a real spoilsport.
    Conclusions :
    I. Advancement in medical science caters to the needs of moneyed classes alone.
    II. Nowadays medical profession has become a means of amassing wealth at the cost of ethics.

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    As the statement is relating medical advancement to high medical cost, it follows that medical advancement is an expensive affair. But the costs may be borne by the govts or charitable institutions. Hence I doesn't follow. Nothing can be concluded about the medical ethics from the given statement. Hence II does not follow.

    Correct Option: D

    As the statement is relating medical advancement to high medical cost, it follows that medical advancement is an expensive affair. But the costs may be borne by the govts or charitable institutions. Hence I doesn't follow. Nothing can be concluded about the medical ethics from the given statement. Hence II does not follow.

  1. Statement:
    The Union finance minister in his latest budget speech declared that expenditure growth will be curbed and structural changes in the composition of expenditure brought about.
    Conclusions :
    I. Expenditure has begun to take its toll on India's growth .
    II. More than the amount of expenditure, it is its composition that has affected the country's growth.

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    I follows. That is why the finance minister has felt the urgency to cub expenditure. But the comparison in II has no basis.

    Correct Option: A

    I follows. That is why the finance minister has felt the urgency to cub expenditure. But the comparison in II has no basis.

  1. Statement:
    The Indian cement industry has witnessed strong consumption growth during 1999 wherein cement consumption grew by 17.5 per cent Apr-Dec 1999 over the same period in 1998.
    Conclusions :
    I. There has a marked growth in civil construction in 1999.
    II. Repair works have been carried out on a massive scale in 1999.

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    Where will the cement go? Either in new constructions or in repairs.

    Correct Option: C

    Where will the cement go? Either in new constructions or in repairs.

  1. Statement:
    None of the bank unions could comprehend that the information technology wave was unstoppable and unless banks learn to swim along with the tide, they would be swept away.
    Conclusions :
    I. There shall come a time when banks will be rendered redundant by the advent of information technology.
    II. Information technology is yet to make its impact on the banks.

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    I does not follow . It is not banks that will become redundant but certain methods used in banks. II is also false: the ''wave '' has already come. Note that the sentence uses the verb in the past tense-''could''.

    Correct Option: D

    I does not follow . It is not banks that will become redundant but certain methods used in banks. II is also false: the ''wave '' has already come. Note that the sentence uses the verb in the past tense-''could''.