Statement and Assumption
Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
- Statement:
Instead of limiting capital punishment to the rarest of the rare cases, it should be made mandatory for crimes like murder, rape, drug trafficking, child molestation and all anti-national activities. If a person does not respect the law, let him at least fear it.
I. When a man is sentenced to death for whatever crime he has committed, he should at least die a painless death.
II. A person convicted of a heinous crime deserves no kindness.
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I is irrelevant. Hence I is not implicit. But II is implicit; that is why the speaker suggests the stringent punishment.
Correct Option: B
I is irrelevant. Hence I is not implicit. But II is implicit; that is why the speaker suggests the stringent punishment.
- Statement:
"It is tall claims that our state X is progressing on industrial front. Rising unemployment by leaps and bounds is enough to collaborate it." - View of a politician of state X
I. If the state were progressing on the industrial front it should have been reflected in the unemployment situation.
II. Progress on industrial front reduces financial crunch.
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Here II is irrelevant. Hence, II is not Implicit. But I must have been assumed by the politician; otherwise how can the status of industrial progress be related with unemployment?
Correct Option: A
Here II is irrelevant. Hence, II is not Implicit. But I must have been assumed by the politician; otherwise how can the status of industrial progress be related with unemployment?
- Statement:
In a bid to discourage cattle owners from letting their animals loose on the roads the Municipal Corporation of city X has enhanced the fine from Rs 4000 to 5000.
I. Increase in fine may decrease the stray cattle menace.
II. The subsequent fine is quite a large sum and it should prompt the owner to get his cattle back as early as possible.
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I is implicit because this is the motive behind increasing the fine. II is not implicit because of the second part of the statement.
Correct Option: A
I is implicit because this is the motive behind increasing the fine. II is not implicit because of the second part of the statement.
- Statement:
"Learn to solve Quantitative Aptitude in 3 seconds besides Date Interpretation (without written steps) by our experts or take back Rs 10,000/- as penalty." - An advertisement of XYZ Coaching Institute
I. It may not be possible to read each of the questions within three second by a candidate.
II. It will be a hard nut to crack for all aspirants to solve question of Data Interpretation without any written work.
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The advertisement is based on the following assumptions:
* Learners want to solve more and more question in less time.
* Learners want to solve DI without written steps.
* It is possible to solve Quantitative Aptitude in 3 seconds.
* Penalty in case of failure of claime will make a positive impact on readers of the ad; etc.
Hence, I is not implicit. II is obvious. That is why the advertisement goes like this.Correct Option: B
The advertisement is based on the following assumptions:
* Learners want to solve more and more question in less time.
* Learners want to solve DI without written steps.
* It is possible to solve Quantitative Aptitude in 3 seconds.
* Penalty in case of failure of claime will make a positive impact on readers of the ad; etc.
Hence, I is not implicit. II is obvious. That is why the advertisement goes like this.
- Statement:
High Court of state 'X' has decided to do away with the summer vacations in order to dispose of pending cases.
I. Vacation for the courts is a vestige of the Raj period.
II. The step taken by the judiciary will compel the Government to fill up all the vacancies in the court.
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We have nothing substantial to correlate the given assumptions. Neither I nor II is implicit.
Correct Option: D
We have nothing substantial to correlate the given assumptions. Neither I nor II is implicit.