Clock and calender

  1. If 14th October 2005 is Friday then which day is 14th October 2006?

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    Since in 1 year we have one odd day while in one leap year we have two odd days.
    Number of odd days are 1 (for 2006)
    1 days more than Friday means Saturday.

    Correct Option: B

    Since in 1 year we have one odd day while in one leap year we have two odd days.
    Number of odd days are 1 (for 2006)
    1 days more than Friday means Saturday.

  1. If today is Monday then which day of the week is after 59 days.

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    Since a day of the week repeat after every 7 days, divide 59 by 7, remainder is 3 so number of odd days is 3, and 3 days after Monday is Thursday.

    Correct Option: C

    Since a day of the week repeat after every 7 days, divide 59 by 7, remainder is 3 so number of odd days is 3, and 3 days after Monday is Thursday.

  1. If 14th October 2005 is Friday then which day is 14th October 2009?

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    Since in 1 year we have one odd day while in one leap year we have two odd days .
    Number of odd days are: 1(for 2006) + 1(for 2007) + 2 (For leap year 2008) + 1 (for year 2009) so total number of odd days are 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 5 days. 5 days more than Friday means Wednesday.

    Correct Option: B

    Since in 1 year we have one odd day while in one leap year we have two odd days .
    Number of odd days are: 1(for 2006) + 1(for 2007) + 2 (For leap year 2008) + 1 (for year 2009) so total number of odd days are 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 5 days. 5 days more than Friday means Wednesday.

  1. If 6th March, 2005 is Sunday, what was the day of the week on 6th March, 2002?

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    Number of odd days between 6th march 2002 to 6th march 2003 is 1
    Number of odd days between 6th march 2003 to 6th march 2004 is 2
    Number of odd days between 6th march 2004 to 6th march 2005 is 1
    Hence total Number of odd days between 6th march 2002 to 6th march 2005 is 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 odd days so 6th march 2002 is 4 days before Sunday i.e. Wednesday.

    Correct Option: D

    Number of odd days between 6th march 2002 to 6th march 2003 is 1
    Number of odd days between 6th march 2003 to 6th march 2004 is 2
    Number of odd days between 6th march 2004 to 6th march 2005 is 1
    Hence total Number of odd days between 6th march 2002 to 6th march 2005 is 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 odd days so 6th march 2002 is 4 days before Sunday i.e. Wednesday.

  1. Tuesday is Sunday. After 69 days, it will be

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    When 69 is divided by 7 we will get remainder 6 so the day will be 6 days more than Sunday i.e Saturday.

    Correct Option: B

    When 69 is divided by 7 we will get remainder 6 so the day will be 6 days more than Sunday i.e Saturday.