Cause and Effect
Direction: Each of the questions given below have two statement - I and II. Mark the answer from (a) to (e), depending on the cause and effect relationship between the two statements.
- I The cut marks in the pre-medical test for admission to the MBBS course have increased significantly during the last decade.
II Students make several efforts, including coaching, in order to be successful in the pre-medical test.
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The common cause is high competition in medical admissions.
Correct Option: E
The common cause is high competition in medical admissions.
- I The government has started the midday meal system to provide a free meal to all students in government schools.
II. Undernourishment in children is a wide-spread problem in the country.
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II is not the cause for I, because while II mentions the entire population in the entire country, the statement I talk about only students in government schools.
Correct Option: E
II is not the cause for I, because while II mentions the entire population in the entire country, the statement I talk about only students in government schools.
- I The United States is contemplating making its immigration lows more strict.
II. The unemployment rate in the United States has been rising steadily during the last many years.
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Both are effects of unrelated cause.
Correct Option: D
Both are effects of unrelated cause.
- I The government has decide to deregulate the prices of petrol and diesel and allow the petroleum companies to fix the prices themselves.
II Most car manufactures are not increasing their prices in spite of an increase in the input costs.
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Both are unrelated effects.
Correct Option: D
Both are unrelated effects.
- I. The municipal corporation had repaired the roads before the monsoon, but all roads now have big potholes.
II Several people developed spine injuries while travelling on the highways.
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Both are unrelated as I mentions municipal corporation, while II mention injuries on the highways.
Correct Option: C
Both are unrelated as I mentions municipal corporation, while II mention injuries on the highways.