Sentence Improvement
Direction: In the following questions, a part of the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alter native. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (4).
- The driver was dazzled by the bright light of approaching car.
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No improvement
dazzled (Verb.) : dim the vision with very bright light or moving lightsCorrect Option: D
No improvement
dazzled (Verb.) : dim the vision with very bright light or moving lights
- What does it matter most is the quality of the goods that we require.
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Here, What matters most is the right usage.
Correct Option: C
Here, What matters most is the right usage.
Direction: In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2, and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case "no improvement" is needed, your answer is ‘4’.
- It’s high time that you go home.
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The sentence structure is as follows :
It’s high time + Subject (you) + Past Verb (went) → Refers to the present moment
Hence, went is the right usage.Correct Option: C
The sentence structure is as follows :
It’s high time + Subject (you) + Past Verb (went) → Refers to the present moment
Hence, went is the right usage.
- It is proposed to construct a bath for males 99-feet long.
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Here, a 99-feet long bath for males is the right usage.
Correct Option: A
Here, a 99-feet long bath for males is the right usage.
Direction: In the following questions, part of the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2, and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is '4'.
- Kannan asked me to go round with them, but I didn't want.
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Prepositions are used at the end of the sentence in Inf. structures, to make the sense clear.
Hence, didn’t want to is the right usage.Correct Option: C
Prepositions are used at the end of the sentence in Inf. structures, to make the sense clear.
Hence, didn’t want to is the right usage.