Selecting Words

  1. In your search results, you will see a host of articles __________ that in up to 70 percent or 80 percent of cases, mergers __________ value rather than build it.

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    Contending, dilute

    Correct Option: B

    Contending, dilute

  1. That dramatic price rise--- and a letter Amazon wrote to regulators 2 months earlier -- led the Justice Department to _________ Apple and five publishing houses for horizontal price fixing in _________ of the Sherman Act.

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    Aue, violation

    Correct Option: A

    Aue, violation

  1. It may be true that Apple is so profitable that it coins money, in the ______ sense but it does not do in the _________ sense, and the U.S government does.

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    Metaphorical, literal

    Correct Option: D

    Metaphorical, literal

  1. With most analysts _________ that the world economy will continue to slow, investors are searching for new __________ of growth.

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    Forecasting, source

    Correct Option: B

    Forecasting, source

  1. The mangoes are now ...... enough to be picked.

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    ripe word should use for the fruits.

    Correct Option: C

    ripe word uses for the fruits to describe that the fruits are ripe or not.