Ordering of Words
Direction: In the following questions, the 1st and the last sentences of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct answer.
- 1. It is easy to criticize the people at the helm, for the slow progress in every field.
P. We are well aware that the intellectuals are leaving our country for better employment opportunities.
Q. Then question remains unanswered because our country cannot show opportunities to the intellectuals.
R. Then, what about their obligation to the Motherland?
S. First, we should ask ourselves as to what is happening to the young intellectuals in India.
6. This situation of 'Brain-Drain' leads to a variety of problems.
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As per the given in the question , The correct sequence ordering of words is 1SPRQ 6
Correct Option: D
Rearranging the correct manner to grammatically formation in ordering of words is given as :-
It is easy to criticize the people at the helm, for the slow progress in every field.First, we should ask ourselves as to what is happening to the young intellectuals in India.We are well aware that the intellectuals are leaving our country for better employment opportunities.Then, what about their obligation to the Motherland? Then question remains unanswered because our country cannot show opportunities to the intellectuals. This situation of 'Brain-Drain' leads to a variety of problems.
- 1. Education in India had a glorious beginning.
P. But after the British rule, it faced many changes.
Q. It went on for centuries with the same glory.
R. English as the medium of instruction had a very great response.
S. One of the changes was the introduction of English as the medium of instruction.
6. As the Britishers left we had a complexity of opinions regarding English
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The correct grammatically formation ordering of words are given below :-
1QPSR6Correct Option: B
Arranging the correct manner to gramatically formation in ordering of words is given as :-
Education in India had a glorious beginning. It went on for centuries with the same glory. But after the British rule, it faced many changes. One of the changes was the introduction of English as the medium of instruction. English as the medium of instruction had a very great response. As the Britishers left we had a complexity of opinions regarding English.
Direction: In the following Five Questions, the 1 st and the last part of the sentence/ passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/ passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence /passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct and indicate it by blackening the appropriate circle [ ] in the Answer Sheet.
- 1. These
P. about the heavenly
Q. experiments by the scientists
R. with amazing knowledge
S. will supply us
6. bodies.
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The following grammatically formation ordering of words are given below :-
1QSRP6Correct Option: C
The following grammatically formation ordering of words are given below :-
These experiments by the scientists will supply us with amazing knowledge about the heavenly bodies.
Direction: In the following question, Sentence is split into four parts and named as A, B, C, D. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the Sentence and find out which of four combinations is correct. Choose the correct answer.
- (A) the public
(B) aim is to educate
(C) the NGOS's
(D) about the danger of smoking
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The first word will be The NGOS's aim and last word will be about the danger of smoking in a new formed sentence after rearranging the given words.
Correct Option: A
The NGOS's aim is to educate the public about the danger of smoking.
- (A) into the office
(B) someone broke
(C) highly confidential letters
(D) and stole some
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The first word will be Someone broke and last word will be highly confidential letters in a new formed sentence after rearranging the given words.
Correct Option: C
Someone broke into the office and stole some highly confidential letters.