Completing Statements

  1. Being able to afford this luxury car will ______ getting a betterpaying job.

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    means to make necessary, especially as a result.

    Correct Option: D

    means to make necessary, especially as a result.

  1. I had the ______ experience of sitting next to an over-talkative passenger on my flight home from Brussels.

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    means irritating, annoying, or exasperating.

    Correct Option: C

    means irritating, annoying, or exasperating.

  1. Giulia soon discovered the source of the ______ smell in the room: a week-old tuna sandwich that one of the children had hidden in the closet.

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    means having a foul or offensive odor, putrid.

    Correct Option: E

    means having a foul or offensive odor, putrid.

  1. With a(n) ______ grin, the boy quickly slipped the candy into his pocket without his mother’s knowledge.

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    means wicked, vicious, or evil.

    Correct Option: B

    means wicked, vicious, or evil.

  1. The graph clearly showed the company reaching the ______ in profits during the 1980s when the economy was in a boom period.

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    means the highest point of anything; the apex or summit.

    Correct Option: E

    means the highest point of anything; the apex or summit.