Closet Test

Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Mass communication is the delivery of11, ideas and entert-ainment to thousands or millions of 12 simultaneously; it is a force with incalculable 13 on today’s world. The 14 of mass comm-unication rests 15 the skills of the communicator to 16 the recipient’s thinking, 17 stir emotions, to 18 him or her to 19. Mass communication is the one-to-one impact of one human intelligence upon20, carried on thousand fold simultaneously among individuals who have no direct personal contact.

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    impact (Noun) : effect

    Correct Option: B

    impact (Noun) : effect

Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
The library, if used properly, is invaluable in helping you develop discernment. It is rich 1information that goes far beyond the 2 of any one text book or course. 3 your text book author does not make a particular4 clear and you feel the need 5 another description in greater detail 6 in other words, go to the library and 7 other books on the subject. By calling 8 two or three writers dealing with the 9 topic, you will find some 10 of certain facts. In seeking additional sources, you will have gained immeasurably, for you will have seen what several experts perceive as being particularly important on a common subject.

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    check (Verb) : to examine something to see if it is correct.

    Correct Option: C

    check (Verb) : to examine something to see if it is correct.

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    up (Adj.)

    Correct Option: B

    up (Adj.)

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    same (Adj.)

    Correct Option: D

    same (Adj.)

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    or (Conj.)

    Correct Option: A

    or (Conj.)