Closet Test
Direction: Emperor Akbar was fond of (141) tricky questions to Birbal. One day he asked Birbal what he would (142) if he were given a choice between justice and a gold coin. “The gold coin,” said Birbal. Akbar was (143) aback. He had known Birbal for many years and he knew that Birbal was a just person. Then how could he choose the gold coin. “You would prefer a gold coin to justice ?” He asked, incredulously. “Yes,” said Birbal. The other courtiers were amazed by Birbal’s (144) of idiocy. For years they had been trying to discredit Birbal in the emperor’s eyes but without success and now the man had gone and (145) it himself! They could not believe their good fortune. “I would have been dismayed if even the lowliest of my servants had said this,” continued the emperor. “But coming from you it’s shocking - and sad. I did not (146) you were so debased! I never expected this from you. How could you be so shallow ?” One (147) for what one does not have, Your Majesty !” said Birbal, quietly. “You have (148) to it that in our country justice is available to everybody. So as justice is already available to me and as I’m always (149) of money I said I would choose the gold coin.” The emperor laughed. He thought to himself, ‘I should have known that Birbal would come up with a witty reply as always.’ He was so pleased with Birbal’s reply that he gave him (150) one but a thousand gold coins.
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The meaningful correct word :-
ideaCorrect Option: A
The correct word will come on the place of ( 144 ) in above given passage :-
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As per the given above meaningful words :
fallenCorrect Option: B
As per the given above meaningful words .
The correct word will come on the place of ( 143 ) in above given passage :-
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On the basis of above given passage , we get
The meaningful word is given as :-
chooseCorrect Option: D
On the basis of above given passage , we get
The meaningful word will come on the blank place of ( 142 ) , which is correct :-
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The meaningful correct word :-
namingCorrect Option: C
The correct word will come on the place of ( 141 ) in above given passage :-
Direction: Why is it that the CRPF, BSF and the Army give a better account of themselves than the state police? It is the structure of the state police that needs to be looked (131), In a district, or city, where there is a separate police force, a majority of the policemen are (132) in police stations. The police station staff is often overextended and no (133) is available at that level. It is the state force that has to be called (134) But it takes time to (135) forces. If the law and order situation (136) simultaneously at many places, there is manpower (137) Thus once rioting breaks (138), it takes time to bring it under control so that there is a time (139) between the first incident and the appearance of the adequate force to (140) the situation. The public hue and cry about the delayed arrival of the police force is not unjustified.
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On the basis of above given passage , we get
The meaningful word is given as :-
restrainCorrect Option: B
On the basis of above given passage , we get
The meaningful word will come on the blank place of ( 140 ) , which is correct :-