Alphabet Test
Questions based on English alphabet are relatively easier and these questions may acquire different formats. In other words, various types of questions are set on English alphabets, such as:
(i) Word Formation
(ii) Formation of words by adding a few letters as prefix or suffix to the given letters
(iii) Arrangement of words in Alphabetical order
(i) Word Formation
In this type of questions, a long keyword is given and you are required to form another meaningful words with the help of some of the letters of the keyword, using one letter only once, if so prescribed, otherwise you can use one letter as many times as you wish. Now consider the following examples:
Example 1: Write down two words which can be formed from the letters of the word PHOTOSYNTHETIC, using one letter only once.
Answer: The two words are: THOSE & SCENT.
Example 2: Write down two words which can be formed from the letters of the word VOCATIONALIZATION, using one letter only once.
Answer: The two words are: VOCATION & NATION.
Some More Examples
1. A word given in capital letters is followed by four answer words. Out of these only one can be formed by using the letters of the given word. Find out that word:
Solution: 1.(4) There is no ‘R’ letter in the given word. Therefore, the word INTEGER cannot be formed. There is no ‘V’ letter in the given word. Therefore, the word INTERVAL cannot be formed. There is no ‘D’ letter in the given word. Therefore, the word LEGEND cannot be formed.
2. A word is given in capital letters. It is followed by four words. Out of these four words, three cannot be formed from the letters of the word in capital letters. Point out the word which can be formed from the letters of the given word in capital letters.
Solution: 2.(2) All the letters of METAL are there in the keyword B L A N D I S H M E N T
(ii) Formation of Words by Adding a Few Letters
In this type of questions some incomplete words are given and you are required to complete all the words by adding some letters as suffix or prefix. Now consider the following examples:
Example: 1 Below are given four words in which some letters are missing. A group of three letters completes these words meaningfully. Find out those three letters and complete the words.
…. vent,…. nect, …..duct, …… dole
Answer: If we add “Con” in the beginning of each group of letters meaningful words can be formed. Thus, Convent, Connect, Conduct, Condole.
Example: 2 Below are given four words in which some letters are missing. A group of three letters can complete these words meaningfully. Find out those three letters and complete the words meaningfully.
Sp….., Sn……, Bl………, Aw……..
Answer: If we add “are” to each group of letters, meaningful words can be formed. Thus, Spare, Snare, Blare, Aware
(iii) Arrangement of Words in Alphabetical Order:
In this type of questions, some words are given. The candidate is required to arrange them as per dictionary in order to answer the question asked. We know that in a dictionary the words are arranged in alphabetical order. Therefore, you must know the basics of the ‘Dictionary Usage’. The words beginning with the same letter of English alphabet are again arranged in alphabetical order with respect to the second letter of words and so on. In order to solve such questions, first of all observe the first letter of each word. If the first letter is the same, observe the second letter and so on till you get the required arrangement of the words. In order to comprehend this point observe the following examples:
Example: 1 If the following five words are arranged in alphabetical order or as per dictionary, which of them will come at the fourth place?
(1) Harmonic
(2) Harmony
(3) Haron
(4) Harmess
(5) Harpoon
Answer: (3) The first letter of each word is H. Therefore consider the second letter. The second letter of each word is A. Now consider the third letter: The third letter is R in all the words. Till now there is no difference. Let us consider the fourth letter:
Harmonic → M
Harmony → M
Haron → O
Harmess → M
Harpoon → P
On the basis of fourth letter, the arrangement of words would be:

It is clear that the fourth word would be Haron and the fifth word Harpoon. But in order to know the proper order of other three words we have to take the fifth letter into consideration.
Fifth letters → O, O and E
Now it is clear that the first word is Harmess. In the last we have to determine the order of only two words:
Sixth letters → N and N No difference
Seventh letters → I and Y
Thus, now it is clear that the words should be arranged in a dictionary as follows: