Mysql Setup

  1. What is the default storage engine?

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    Correct Option: B

    MySQL comes with multiple storage engines. The default storage engine used is ‘MyISAM’. ‘EXAMPLE’ is the stub storage engine, NDB is the storage engine for MySQL Cluster.

  1. It is required to have an access privilege for a database before selecting it with ‘USE’.

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    Correct Option: B

    In order to select a database as the default database for the MySQL server using the ‘USE’ statement, some access privilege for the database needs to be granted or attained.

  1. The keyword used to create a database is __________.

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    Correct Option: C

    The statement ‘CREATE DATABASE database_name;’ is used to create a database with the name ‘database_name’. A database qualifier should be used to specify the full name of the database.

  1. Which file is created by the server to store the database attributes?

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    Correct Option: D

    Whenever a database is created in MySQL, the MySQL server creates a directory with the same name as the database. It creates the file db.opt to store the attributes.

  1. For REVOKE statements, the server automatically rereads the grant tables.

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    Correct Option: B

    For the ‘REVOKE’ and ‘DROP USER’ statements, the server automatically re-reads the grant tables and no FLUSH PRIVILEGES statements are needed. Hence the grant tables are re-read.