Mysql miscellaneous

  1. Which option is used for specifying the executable name while compiling with gcc?

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    Correct Option: D

    When a C program is compiled with gcc, the option -o is issued in order to specify the name of the executable that is created after compilation. The default name given is ‘a.out’.

  1. Input handling can be customized with MySQL.

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    Correct Option: A

    With mysql, raw SQL statements can be entered. With MySQL programs input methods can be provided for the user that are more intuitive and easier to be used. So input handling is customized.

  1. The option that executes all SQL statements in a SQL script irrespective of the number of errors is _____________.

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    Correct Option: C

    If SQL queries in a file are run using mysql in batch mode, mysql either quits after the first error. If the –force option is specified all the queries are executed indiscriminately.

  1. The option that is necessary to compile a C program having math functions is _____________.

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    Correct Option: B

    To compile a program written in the C language, it is compiled by issuing the option ‘-lm’. The examples of some math functions found in ‘math.h’ are floor(), sqrt(), pow(), log().

  1. What does ‘mysql_query()’ return on failure?

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    Correct Option: A

    Both of the functions named ‘mysql_query()’ and ‘mysql_real_query()’ return zero for statements that succeed. They return non zero for failure. A statement is successfully executed if the server accepts it.