Irrigation miscellaneous
- An outlet irrigates an area of 20 ha. The discharge (I/s) required at this outlet to meet the evapotranspiration requirement of 20 mm occurring uniformly in 20 days neglecting other field losses is
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Volume of water = 20 × 104 × 20 × 10–3 m³
= 4000 m³Q = 4000 = 2.31 × 10–3 m³/s = 2.31 litres/s. 30 × 24 × 60 × 60 Correct Option: B
Volume of water = 20 × 104 × 20 × 10–3 m³
= 4000 m³Q = 4000 = 2.31 × 10–3 m³/s = 2.31 litres/s. 30 × 24 × 60 × 60
- A canal irrigates a portion of a culturable command area to grow sugarcane and wheat. The average discharges required to grow sugarcane and wheat area, respectively, 0.36 and 0.27 cumecs. the time factor is 0.9. The required design capacity of the canal is
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Design capacity = Total discharge Time factor
Total discharge, Q = 0.36 + 0.27 = 0.63 m³/s
Time factor = 0.9∴ 0.63 = 0.7 m³/s 0.9 Correct Option: D
Design capacity = Total discharge Time factor
Total discharge, Q = 0.36 + 0.27 = 0.63 m³/s
Time factor = 0.9∴ 0.63 = 0.7 m³/s 0.9
- The two columns below show some parameters and their possible values.
P – Gross Command Area
Q – Permanent Wilting Point
R – Duty of canal water
S – Delta of wheat
I –100 hectares/cumec
II – 6° C
III – 1000 hectares
IV – 1000 cm
V – 40 cm
VI – 0.12
Which of the following options matches the parameters and the values correctly?
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Gross command area – 1000 hectares
Permanent wilting point – 0.12
Duty of canal water – 100 hectares/cumec
Delta of wheat – 40 cmCorrect Option: B
Gross command area – 1000 hectares
Permanent wilting point – 0.12
Duty of canal water – 100 hectares/cumec
Delta of wheat – 40 cm