Green Revolution

  1. Consider the following statements
    In India the problem of soil erosion is associated with
    1. Excessive rainfall
    2. Deforestation
    3. Excessive cultivation
    4. Overgrazing

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    Correct Option: D


  1. When you travel in certain parts of India, you will notice red soil. What is the main reason for this colour ?

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    Correct Option: C


  1. Consider the following statements about alluvial soil
    1. Their fertility is due to mixing the debris.
    2. They contain a great variety of salts which enhances their fertility
    3. The soils are fine grained and porous
    4. They are rich in nitrogen and humus
    Which of the statements

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    Correct Option: D


  1. Consider the following statements
    1. The light sandy red and yellow soils in Balaghat, Durg and Raipur districts are it alluvial origin.
    2. In Tamil Nadu, the red soil occupy over two-third of its total area
    3. The red soils of Burdwan, Birbhum and Bankura are derived and transported from Chota Nagpur plateau.
    Which of the statement(s) given above is / are correct ?

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    Correct Option: D


  1. Which of the following statements regarding laterite soil of India are correct
    1. Laterite soils are generally red in colour.
    2. Laterite soils are rich in nitrogen and potash.
    3. They are well developed in Rajasthan and U.P.
    4. Tapioca and cashew nuts grow well in these soils.
    Select the correct answer using the codes given below

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    Correct Option: C
