- Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
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Correct Option: B
- Match List - I (Type of Agriculture) with List - II (Area Associated with the particular Type of Agriculture) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
Code :List - I List - II F. Shifting 1. America Prairies G. Subsistence 2. Ganga Delta H. Commercial 3. Gardens of Assam J. Plantation 4. Northern Canada F G H J A. 4 1 2 3 B. 3 1 4 2 C. 4 2 1 3 D. 3 4 1 2
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Correct Option: C
- Consider the following statements
1. Nomadism is a high degree of spatial mobility as a basis for a particular ways life.
2. Nomadism is confined to the semi-arid regions of the world.
3. Nomadism is presumed to be a synonymous with movements of herds and livestock rearing.
4. Hunter gatherers who typically have no domesticated livestock are also defined as nomads.
Which of these are correct ?
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Correct Option: A
- Consider the following statements
1. Cane sugar is preferred to beet sugar.
2. Beet sugar is insufficient to meet local demand.
3. There is low demand and surplus production of cane sugar in producing countries.
4. Cane sugar producing countries were colonies of importing countries.
5. Production cost of cane is low.
Which of the above reasons account for the fact that cane sugar has a major share in the international sugar trade ?
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Correct Option: C
- Which of the following statements regarding cotton cultivation in China are correct ?
1. A growing season of about 200 days free from frost.
2. Intermittent rainfall during harvesting period benefits higher yields.
3. Rainfall of 500 to 1500 mm during growing season.
4. Mechanized farming and heavy irrigation is a common feature in the east.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
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Correct Option: D