General knowledge miscellaneous
- Which is the earliest Engineering Educational Institution in India ?
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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (commonly known as IIT Roorkee or IITR), formerly the University of Roorkee(1948-2001) and the Thomason College of Civil Engineering(1853-1948), is a public university located in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Established in 1847 in British India by the then lieutenant governor, Sir James Thomason, it was given university status in 1949 and was converted into an Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in 2001.
Correct Option: C
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (commonly known as IIT Roorkee or IITR), formerly the University of Roorkee(1948-2001) and the Thomason College of Civil Engineering(1853-1948), is a public university located in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Established in 1847 in British India by the then lieutenant governor, Sir James Thomason, it was given university status in 1949 and was converted into an Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in 2001.
- Which country/countries started privatisation of State-owned enterprises as a major State Policy?
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After entering 10 Downing Street, Thatcher introduced a series of political and economic initiatives to reverse what she perceived to be Britain’s precipitous national decline. Her political philosophy and economic policies emphasised deregulation (particularly of the financial sector), flexible labour markets, the privatisation of state-owned companies, and reducing the power and influence of trade unions.
Correct Option: A
After entering 10 Downing Street, Thatcher introduced a series of political and economic initiatives to reverse what she perceived to be Britain’s precipitous national decline. Her political philosophy and economic policies emphasised deregulation (particularly of the financial sector), flexible labour markets, the privatisation of state-owned companies, and reducing the power and influence of trade unions.
- Which amidst the SAARC countries rank highest in the Human Development Index released by the UNDP in 2002?
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In the Human Development Index released by the UNDP in 2002, India stood 124th in ranking. India’s Human Development Index — a statistic that is compiled on the basis of life expectancy, literacy and GDP — was estimated at 0.577. Pakistan stood marginally lower with a HDI of 0.499. Sri Lanka’s HDI was higher than the entire South Asian region.
Correct Option: D
In the Human Development Index released by the UNDP in 2002, India stood 124th in ranking. India’s Human Development Index — a statistic that is compiled on the basis of life expectancy, literacy and GDP — was estimated at 0.577. Pakistan stood marginally lower with a HDI of 0.499. Sri Lanka’s HDI was higher than the entire South Asian region.
- The lengthiest Constitution in the world is
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The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world, containing 448 articles, 12 schedules and 100 amendments, with 117,369 words in its English language version, while the United States Constitution is the shortest written constitution, at 7 articles and 27 amendments.
Correct Option: A
The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world, containing 448 articles, 12 schedules and 100 amendments, with 117,369 words in its English language version, while the United States Constitution is the shortest written constitution, at 7 articles and 27 amendments.
- Which part of India is linked to the border by the Hindustan-Tibet road ?
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It was Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856) who ordered work to begin on the Hindustan Tibet Road in June 1850. The system of begari prevalent in the hills, where unpaid labourers were pressed into service including for the transport of timber and files to Shimla is said to have upset the Governor General so deeply that he wanted to improve the road these men trudged.
Correct Option: A
It was Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856) who ordered work to begin on the Hindustan Tibet Road in June 1850. The system of begari prevalent in the hills, where unpaid labourers were pressed into service including for the transport of timber and files to Shimla is said to have upset the Governor General so deeply that he wanted to improve the road these men trudged.